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7 Perfect Remedies To Treat Gestational Diabetes


Gestational diabetes is characterized by high sugar levels and is first acknowledged, when the woman is pregnant. This condition occurs in about four percent of all pregnancies. In almost 95% of cases, the diabetes is cured after childbirth, but the remaining 5% continue to be diabetic even afterwards. The symptoms of gestational diabetes are not life threatening, but poses problems to embryonic baby like respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycaemia etc. The condition occurs mainly due to hormonal changes. However, with appropriate management of gestational diabetes, it is possible to give birth to a healthy baby. Exercise, diet or insulin therapy is some of the treatment options. However, many people do not prefer insulin therapy, but instead choose herbal and natural remedies to treat this condition. You can use these remedies alone or along with other traditional methods. Mentioned below are some effective and popular home remedies to treat gestational diabetes.

Home Remedies For Gestational Diabetes

Bitter Gourd

Also known as, karela, bitter gourd belongs to the cucurbitaceae family. It is one of the effective remedies to treat gestational diabetes. Besides being a rich source of micronutrients, it also has anti-diabetic properties, which is quite useful in preventing the complications associated with diabetes. The phytonutrient or the plant insulin is useful in reducing the sugar levels. Women with gestational diabetes can consume this vegetable to naturally reduce the insulin levels without any side effects.

Green Tea

Drinking caffeinated beverage is not advisable during pregnancy. However, green tea is one exception. By drinking green tea in moderation, it can be beneficial for the well-being of both child and the mother. The hormonal changes during pregnancy will create cellular resistance towards insulin. This is the reason for increase in the blood sugar. This temporary increase in blood sugar can be effectively controlled by imbibing green tea. One cup every day will slowly lower the sugar levels in pregnant women.

Using Various Parts Of The Plants

A variety of plants is beneficial for managing gestational diabetes. Mango leaf, banana leaf, green peas and onions are some of them. Onions lower the blood-sugar level, so consume raw onions by including them in salads. Avoid cooked onions, as it can increase cholesterol levels and body fat. Green pea pod is also a great remedy in curing this condition. Boil water and pods in 4:1 ratio until the pea pods are soft. Strain this liquid and drink it every day. Sixteen mg of banana leaf extract, when taken daily three times will bring your glucose level under control. Similar is the benefit of mango leaf extract.

Olive Oil

Also known as, liquid gold, olive oil has strong anti-inflammatory property like aspirin. By including olive oil in your daily diet, it lowers several health risks including gestational diabetes, which is linked with inflammation. The good fat present in the oil will not increase insulin resistance. It will in fact help reverse it. Dribble olive oil on baked potatoes, pasta, salads and just about anything.


Avoid white rice and instead choose barley, as it can lower the sugar levels after your meal by about 70%. This will also help keep your sugar levels steadier for several hours. The soluble fibre along with other compounds present in barley will dramatically slow down the digestion as well as absorption of carbohydrates. Brown rice is also not comparable to the amazing benefits offered by this grain. Add barley to make the basis for a casserole or stir fry, in soups or as an accompaniment. Hulled, quick cooking, and pearled are some of the great varieties of barley.


Garlic is known for its incredible health benefits and is one of the natural ways to fight against gestational diabetes. This effective herb helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels and blood circulation in the body. Fresh cloves of garlic can be included in the cooking. Same benefits can be reaped by taking garlic capsules, which is easily available in the health food stores.


This is yet another effective remedy to treat gestational diabetes. It contains chemicals known as polyphenols, which improves the functioning of insulin. You can add about 3-tbsp of cinnamon to one litre of hot boiled water. Drink the water once it cools down, this is an easy way to increase the intake of cinnamon.

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