8 Effective Remedies To Cure Alcoholism


Being addicted to alcohol consumption and an urge to drink alcohol repeatedly is together termed as alcoholism and is one of the commonly seen addictive disarray. Alcoholism can create individual health problems, family problems and even societal problems.

Drinking alcohol occasionally can lead to alcoholism. Since alcoholism can lead to chronic diseases like week functioning of nerves, liver damages and so on, it should be treated properly by following correct medications. A few of wonderful home remedies for the addictive disorders like alcoholism are mentioned below which can be followed in order to cure the problem.

Home Remedies For Alcoholism


Are excellent in the treatment for alcohol dependence. As grapes can act as an alternative for the alcoholic drinks, consuming a lot of grapes can help in controlling the thirst for alcohol. Treatment along with the strong will power of the patient can be surely a success.


Are valuable in curing the problems of alcoholism. Consuming three to four fresh apples daily can help in removing the toxins and hence can help in curing the problem of alcoholism.


A healthy alcoholic drink can be prepared by blending 3 or 4 dates in about 100 ml of water. This can be used once in every day which is very effective in reducing the push for drinking alcohol frequently. This is known to be an effective remedy in the case of alcoholism.

Bitter Gourd

Is  a good home cure for the problem of alcoholism. An infusion can be prepared by blending three or four fresh leaves of bitter gourd in a cup of water. Taking this infusion can help in curing the problem of alcoholism as well as healing the damages caused to the liver.


Is proved to be valuable in the treatment for alcoholism. Having a cup of freshly prepared juice of celery leaves can help in bringing a sobering effect in the patients. Freshly extracted sap of celery should be diluted with the same amount of water before consumption. This is an excellent remedy in the case of alcohol addiction.

Berberris Juice

Can be used in the treatment for alcohol addiction. Having about half a glass of fresh berberris juice once in a day can be regarded as an excellent remedy for the same. Consuming a small amount of this fruit can also be helpful in the treatment for alcoholism.

Fruit Diet

Is the best method to control addiction to alcohol. Fruit juices like lemon juice, orange juice etc. can be helpful in curing the problem. Carrot juice is one of the best fruit juices which can help in controlling the urge to drink alcohol repeatedly. Eating one or two bananas can also be considered valuable in the treatment.

Ginger Essential Oil

Is beneficial in curing the alcohol addiction. A few drops of ginger vital oil can be used in an aroma lantern and the patient can inhale the smell for 5 to 10 minutes which will effectively help in curing the disorder. Consuming a few drops of this oil along with a teaspoon of honey can also be regarded as a home cure for alcoholism.

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