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8 Home Remedies For Toothache


An ache in the tooth can make us whine and pine in pain! For those of us who have gone through toothache know that it is no laughing matter. The pain that is associated with a tooth can radiate to the gums and the jaws as well. Most of the pain related to the tooth is due to some sort of degeneration of the teeth and the surrounding areas. Some of the common causes that trigger a tooth ache are cavities, cracks in the teeth, diseases related to the gums, decaying of tooth etc.  As toothache cannot be predicted and can crop up any time of the day, it is a good idea to be ready with some home remedies rather than wake your family physician up at the middle of the night.

Home remedies for toothache are a great relief for women who are pregnant and cannot or do not want to resort to antibiotic medications. Toothache during pregnancy must be given special care as the bacteria in the infected teeth can enter the mother’s blood stream can cause harm to the baby. For others who suffer from mild to moderate toothache, home remedies are very beneficial.

Home Remedies For Toothache


Thanks to the antibacterial properties of garlic, all sorts of toothache find relief by application of garlic. Take a clove of garlic and crush it lightly. Place some rock salt along with it and keep it on the affected tooth. This is all that is required to relieve the pain. You never know, it can even cure mild toothache to perfection.

The compound allicin that is present in garlic is the one that offers this magic cure. Allicin offers a mild antibiotic effect and is antibacterial in nature. However, it may be a temporary relief, probably to take you through the night. Make sure you plan a visit to the dentist if the problem persists.


Just like garlic, onion too has antibacterial properties. All you need to do every day is to chew raw onion for a few minutes. This will eradicate almost all the bacteria in the mouth and prevent a host of disorders associated with teeth. For toothache, crush few slices of onion and place it on the affected tooth. To keep away from toothache, make it a point to chew a few slices of onion everyday or add them to your diet as salads.


The vitamin C present in lime helps in fighting against infections generally. Vitamin C is also a great ingredient when it comes to teeth and bone health. Vitamin C prevents decaying of the teeth, dental caries and other gum diseases.

For relief from toothache, take a lime and bite on it. Keep it in that position. You may also chew on the lime along with the peel. Lime has higher concentrations of vitamin C and lower acidity levels as compared to lemons and hence a better remedy than lemon for toothaches.


Asafoetida is potent substance for relieving toothache. You can mix it with a little lemon juice for greater effect. Take a cotton swab and soak it with this mixture. Apply on the affected tooth and how relieved you would be in an instant!

If you want to use asafoetida alone without lemon, take some clarified butter and fry a pinch of asafoetida in it. Apply this on the affected tooth and ensure that you are ready for that much awaited meeting within minutes.

Wheat Grass

Just chewing wheat grass for a few minutes is great for banishing all the toxins trapped in between the teeth and the gums and also preventing bacterial growth. Wheatgrass like garlic is capable of exerting an antibiotic effect on the teeth and hence can remove infections and kill germs.

If you are prone to toothache and gum diseases use the juice of wheatgrass as a mouth wash. Rinse your mouth after every meal using this solution and also before you go to bed. This will prevent decaying of the teeth and also resultant aches and pains.


Cloves had been used for generations for curing tooth ache. It instantly imparts a soothing feel inside the mouth and prevents the sensation of pain. Cloves are antiseptic by nature and hence placing a clove on the tooth will not just kill the toothache but the germs that have cased it as well. You may use clove or clove oil for application on the tooth that pains.

Pepper Treatment

When you get toothache that goes beyond the definition of pain, rush to the kitchen and make a mixture of pepper and common salt and without wasting any time apply on the tooth that gives you agonising pain. Wait for a few seconds and wonder at this marvellous phenomenon that has made your toothache disappear as fast as it appeared.

Pepper with salt is termed as a great dentifrice and its frequent usage can prevent halitosis, pain and bleeding in gums, cavities and of course toothache. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that we encounter today. Pepper is good for curing tooth sensitivity.

Bay Berry

The bark of bay berry can be mixed with vinegar in order to form a paste can act as a strengthening paste for the gums and a pain relieving paste for the tooth. The coves of bayberry are a common ingredient in all tooth remedies and also toothpastes due to its potency in relieving toothache. The compound eugenol that is present in bayberry cloves is a good anaesthetic and also has antiseptic properties. Therefore they also remove germs that are causing the toothache in the first place and the infection caused by these germs.

Along with these home remedies, one must make sure that the teeth ate kept clean at all times by brushing twice a day and limiting the intake of sugar in the diet, especially before heading off to sleep.

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