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8 Natural Cures For Headache


Headache is the most common health problem, which appears frequently within us due to several reasons, like when you are weak, suffering from fever, excess tension, and sometimes due to smoking and excess drinking of alcohol. Hence first of all, you need to stop all these bad habits. It is proved that sometimes due to insomnia, you may feel headache. However, you can stay away from all these problems of headache just by following below steps of remedies.

Here Are 8 Natural Cures For Headache:

Eat Fruits

You can choose some fruits available in market and make juicy of it or you can consume directly. Some fruits which are well known for healing headache, these are apple, grape, berries and bananas. These fruits are easily digestible and also provide strength to your body. Hence, it helps you to avoid weakness due to the absence of excess of vitamins and minerals. It is most useful when headache appears due to insomnia.


Cinnamon is used to cure headaches due to its common cold nature. The simple way to use cinnamon at the time of headache is to make a paste out of cinnamon stick with water mixed to it. Then collect this paste in an air tight bottle and apply this paste on your forehead twice in a day, every day morning and evening. Leave this paste for 10 minutes on your head and soon you will feel relaxed. After a few days you will completely get rid of headache problems.

Consume Cinnamon With Honey

Another way to use cinnamon is by consuming it directly with honey. Take two teaspoons of cinnamon powder and then mix it with one teaspoon of honey. Now stir properly before consuming. Now, make a habit of consuming this solution twice in a day, to stay away from headache.

Peppermint Oil

The relaxing and soothing properties of peppermint oil will help you a lot when you are suffering from horrible headache. Take peppermint oil 2 drop to massage on your forehead, temples and back bone. It helps to active the vessels that stimulate blood flow, hence within some minutes you will get relief from headache.

Peppermint Leaves

You can also try even the freshly crushed peppermint leaves. Just crush it and put on your forehead while suffering from headache. It gives you a instance relief from the headache. This way of treatment for headache is suitable when you are suffering from fever.

Ginger Solution

You can choose ginger for the treatment of headache. It helps you to reduce the infuriating of the blood vessels in your head, results relief from the pain throughout the head. Take a ginger piece and put it into some water. Then boil it for 5 minutes and let the boiled water to cool. Now, drink this water.

Ginger Tea

You can also use ginger in other way in your daily life. Just crush few pieces of ginger then add into your daily morning tea. Now consume this tea to get relief from headache. Ginger helps to maintain body temperature and a proper blood regulation in your body, hence makes you to feel relax while suffering from headache.


Lemon is citric in nature and has many remedial properties. It is also used for treating headache due to heat. Apply lemon pulp on your forehead to get relief from headache. It sustain your temperature throughout forehead and makes you feel immediate relax. So application of lemon to your headache could be your first choice, if the reason behind the headache is heat.

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