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Ingrown toe nail is a common phenomenon seen in people who trim their toe nail too short at the edges. The ingrown toe nail can cause a lot of problems to the person as it may lead to some excessive pain and irritation. The person is unable to move from one place to the other because of the pain. If the person doesn’t take proper care, it can also lead to septic and cause some serious problems to the toe. Thus, it is very important for people suffering from ingrown toe nail to get rid of it as early as possible.
If you are also one of those people who are perturbed due to the problem of ingrown toe nail and have tried numerous measures to get rid of it then you must know that you can easily get rid of the ingrown toe nail at your home. This means that there are various natural home remedies, which when used can help you to get rid of your ingrown toe nail easily without spending too much of money. We are going to take a look at some of the best home treatment for ingrown toe nail.
Home Treatments For Ingrown Toenail
1. Trimming
The best home remedy to get rid of the ingrown toe nail is to prevent it in the first place. The most effective way to do so is to ensure that you properly trim your toe nail. Avoid cutting your toe nail deep inside through the edges.
2. Hot Water
This is one of the highly effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of the ingrown toe nail. This is mainly because; soaking the toe nail in the hot water softens the toe nail and makes it more pliable and hence it becomes easy to cut. Hot water also helps you to clean up all the dust and soil particles which have gathered in the toenail. The soil accumulated in the toenail is one of the major reasons behind pain and inflammation of the toe nail.
3. Hot Water And Salt
This is one of the best home remedies that you can use to get rid of your ingrown toe nail. All you have to do is take some hot water and add some Epsom salt into it. Once added you need to soak your affected toe in the solution. The key here lies in making the toe nail soft. Once it is a bit soft you need to dig into the toe in a gentle manner and file the nail upwards. Once done, place the toe back in the Epsom water and then apply a band aid. This will help you to heal the inflammation that is caused due to the ingrown toe nail and the pain will vanish in just few days.
4. Hydrogen Peroxide
This is another great home remedy that you can use to get rid of the ingrown toe nail. The only thing you have to do is take some hydrogen peroxide and clean the toe by dabbing cotton in the solution. This is one of the best home remedies for the ingrown toe nail as it helps to reduce the infection as well as the inflammation that is caused due to ingrown toe nail.
5. Lemon
This is one of the easiest home remedies that you can use to get rid of the ingrown toe nail. All you have to do is cut a lemon into half and rub it on the affected toe. Once done, put some wear socks and soak the affected toe overnight. This is one of the best home remedies that you can use to get rid of ingrown toe nail as it helps to get rid of the inflammation as well as swelling caused due to the ingrown toe nail.
6. Alcohol
This is another best home remedy that you can use to get rid of ingrown toe nail. Applying alcohol on the affected toe helps to soften the toe nail. Once it is soften you can then pile the toe nail and get rid of the pain caused due to ingrown toe nail.
7. Moisturizers And Lotions
This is another best home remedy that you can use to get rid of the ingrown toe nail. All you have to do is take a moisturizing cream or lotion and apply it directly on the toe nail. This will help to soften the toe nail and will make it easier for you to cut the toe nail from its root. This in turn reduces the pain and inflammation and swelling caused due to the ingrown toe nail.
8. Proper Diet
People who eat a lot of sweet are more prone towards developing an ingrown toenail. Thus, to get rid of the toe nail effectively it is advisable that you avoid eating sweet foods until you are able to cure your condition. Sugar has the tendency to weaken the cuticle of your toe and hence makes you more prone towards developing ingrown toe nail. Thus, eat sweet foods in moderation to prevent toe nail in the first place.
These were some of the highly effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your ingrown toe nail. Apart from following these home remedies, you also need to take proper care of the toe nail when there is an inward growth. You also need to follow a proper hygiene and see to it that your toe nail is covered properly. This will avoid any soil from entering in the toe nail as soil only worsens the infection. For this, you need to put cotton on the toe nail or wear some cotton fabrics to avoid its exposure from soil and other dust particles.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.