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8 Top Home Remedies For Sagging Skin


The loss of moisture and elasticity in the skin results in the condition termed as skin sagging. Skin sag happens when the collagen which is naturally present in connective tissue of skin, decreases in number or is damaged. The areas such as face and hand are most commonly affected by the wrinkles. The symptoms of wrinkles are lined, creased and sagging skin. The main reasons for skin sagging are pollution, usage of drugs, stress, loss of Vitamin E, over expose to the sun rays and also age.

Here Are Some Beauty Tips Which Are Easily Available At Home To Treat Sagging Skin:


Egg is the best home remedy to skin care and avoid skin sagging. Egg is very rich in Vitamin E; it helps you to avoid anti-aging. You can apply beaten egg white to the affected area and allow it to dry for some minutes. After that you can wash it with warm water.

Coconut Oil

Regular use of coconut oil can avoid the loss of moisture in skin. It is effective remedy to avoid anti-aging problem. You can apply coconut oil daily to face before going to bed and wash it next day morning as this can help you treat skin sag.

Green Seedless Grapes

Grapes contain so much vitamin C content, which is very beneficial to your skin. Grapes are useful to prevent skin sagging. Take Green seedless grapes cut it them into half and rub on the wrinkles. Let it to dry for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Yogurt and Vitamin E

Include Vitamin E rich foods in your diet and yoghurt. Alternatively, Add 4 table-spoon of plain curd and also add one table-spoon of honey and lemon juice. You can apply this anti-aging mixture on your face by using cotton ball and wash it after 20 minutes.


You can use pineapple as anti-aging solution for skin sagging. You can rub the pineapple core on the wrinkles for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it with water. You can also apply green pineapple juice to face that can help you in correcting of cracked skin.


Lemon contains Vitamin C that can help to boost collagen production in the skin. This is in terms aid to restore the elasticity to your skin. It has astringent properties that aid in skin tightening and reduces the wrinkles and others signs of premature aging. You can extract juice from lemon and apply gently on your face and neck. Let it stand for about 10 to 15 minutes and then wash the face with warm water.


Cucumber can be used to treat sagging skin and tightening loose skin. This can be considered as best natural toners as well. It gives a rejuvenating and refreshing effect to the skin. Take some cucumber slices and then squeeze it through a strainer to extract the juice from it. Apply the juice and leave it until it gets dry, then wash it with cool water. You can use grated cucumber and curd mixture to apply on your face to get good result. Repeat the process several times a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is the best for treating sagging skin and to tightening the loose skin. The amazing acid in Aloe Vera is a great aid to improve the elasticity of the skin and to get rid of sagging skin. Plus it nourishes the skin. Extract the gel from fresh aloe vera leaves and add half spoon turmeric powder, then apply it on affected area and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it with warm water. Follow this several times a week to get good result.

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