8 Ways In Which Massage Helps In Weight Loss

Massage Helps In Weight Loss

Massage is a technique by which pressure points in the body are triggered which stimulates these muscles and leads to relaxation, better blood circulation and enhances the functions of the muscles. Infact, it is also known to aid in better metabolism and weight loss. Massage is an age old tecnnique which relaxes the body and is good for the overall well being of the body.

Let Us Discuss In Detail The Factors Due To Which Massage Leads To Better Weight Management:

Improves Blood Circulation

The biggest benefit of a massage is that it improves the blood circulation, open ups up blocked passages and supplies blood well to the various parts and helps in removal of toxins from the body.This toxin accumulation often leads to fat deposition in the body and massage does not alow them from depositing in the body.

Improves Blood Circulation

Cuts Cellulite

Cellulite is a major problem and massage targets these uneven skin areas helps in loosening the fat in these parts. Kneading, twisting, knuckling etc.are various massage techniques that help in melting fat from the cellulite areas.

Cuts Cellulite

Reduces Stress

Massaging reduces stress which is well known , but this ability also leads to loss of weight. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol into the body which leads to the accumulation of the adipose tissue in the body. Since a good massage relievs the body of stress and relaxes the nerves, it controls the release of the cortisol hormone which could lead to obesity.

Reduces Stress

Reduces Fat

Massage has a direct impact on the fat deposition n the body. The various hand movements in the massage therapy helps in bursting the fat cells and stimulate their absorption inside the body for fuel consumption. Massage thus helsp in cutting down excess fat deposits in the body.

Reduces fat

Improves Metabolism

Massage helps in the better delivery of nutrients to its various parts. It cuts down tiredness in the body and gives energy to the body to improve the metabolism. If the metabolism increases, it willl inturn use up the body fat and convert it into energy to perform all functions, thereby reducing body weight.

Improves Metabolism

Builds Muscle Strength

Massage helps in the growth of muscles as they are supplied with good nutrients that help in their growth and development. For the formation of muscles, the body converts the body fat into muscles and thus controls the fat accumulation and obesity.

Builds Muscle Strength

Flexibility Of Muscles

Massaging helps in increasing the power of the limbs and flexibility in the body. If we are more active and flexible,the body tends to burn more fat and hence there is no accumulatiuon of fat which leads to weight loss.

Flexibility of muscles

Heals Injuries

The body suffers injuries after workouts and releases some toxins which can be carried away by massage. Hence the recovery time post workout is reduced and injuries are healed faster which gives scope for more workout sessions and hence helps in weight loss.

Heals Injuries

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