8 Yoga Stretches For Sciatica


Sciatica is the longest nerve in the body that starts from lower back and goes down the legs. Any kind of pressure on sciatica causes numbness and shooting pain down the legs to the toe.

Sciatica pain can be extremely sharp and the person finds it difficult to sit, stand or lie down comfortably. Sciatica pain can occur anywhere at any time. Cause of sciatica pain cannot be ascertained but people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle are more at risk of suffering from sciatica pain.

Certain yoga stretches or staying in a particular yoga pose helps to reduce and treat sciatica. Yoga stretches for sciatica strengthen the muscles that support the spine and reduce the chances of pressure on the nerve considerably.

Yoga Stretches For Sciatica

Pawanmukta Asana

Lie down on your back with your legs stretched out. Lift your right leg while breathing in, wrap your arms around the knee and press it to your chest while breathing out. Hold it there for 5-10 seconds and take two to three normal breaths. You will feel a nice stretch along the back. Release the leg and bring it down. Switch to left leg and repeat.Complete three rounds of Pawanmukta asana.

Afterwards holds both the legs together and bring the knees to your chest, gently rock your body in slow motion. This stretch massages your lower back and help to ease pressure on sciatica nerve.

Vipreet Nauka Asana

Vipreet Nauka asana stretches the whole of spinal cord; it tones up the muscles supporting the spine and helps to alleviate sciatica pain. This is an easier version of Vipreet Nauka asana as it can be easily performed by people suffering from sciatica pain.

Lie down on your belly with your legs straight and feet placed close together. Put your arms behind your back with your hands clasped together. Breathe in and lift your head, shoulders and chest off the floor. Look ahead and hold the pose for 5 seconds. Exhale and come back to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

Janushir Asana

This is an excellent yoga pose that stretches the whole spine and legs and has a magical effect on sciatica pain. Sit down with your right leg stretched out diagonally in front of you. Fold your left leg and place the foot close to the groin. Keep your arms along the sides. Inhale and lift your arms, slowly bend forward towards your right leg while exhaling and try to touch your toe with your hands, place your head on the knee.

Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds and breathe normally. Inhale and lift your hands and head and come back to starting position. Relax and take two normal breaths and repeat on the left side. Do not try to complete the pose in one go, stretch as much as you comfortably can until you are able to reach your toes.

Makar Asana

Makar asana relaxes the spine and it soothes sciatica pain. It removes numbness and pain from your legs and feet. Lie down on your stomach; stretch your legs and toes. Keep your toes close together. Cup your hands under the chin and support it with your elbows. Keep your elbows close together.

Keep your chest above the level of the ground. Move your legs up and down alternately while breathing in and out. Touch your heels with the hips. First do this exercise with each leg separately then do it with both the legs together. Complete 15-20 rounds of Makar asana for sciatica.

Markat Asana

Markat asana removes stiffness from the lower back and helps to relieve sciatica pain. It is a comfortable yoga stretch pose that is extremely beneficial for sciatica. Lie down on your back and spread your arms parallel to shoulders. Fold your legs from the knees and place them close to the hips.

Breathe in and bend your legs to your right side and place your right knee on the ground and left knee on top of right knee. Turn your neck to your left and fix your gaze on your hand. Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds; you will feel a nice stretch along the left side of your body. Come back to starting position, switch sides and repeat to complete 3 rounds of Markat asana.

Kati Chakra Asana

This is a spinal twist pose that stretches your upper and lower back while providing relief in sciatica pain. Stand straight with your feet placed at one foot distance. Hang your arms along the sides. Twist your right arm from the front and place it on your left shoulder, take your left hand behind the back and place it below the waist with palm facing outward.

Turn your neck from right side and try to look at your left heel from behind. Stay in this pose for 15 seconds, come back to starting position and repeat on the other side. Do 3 rounds of this yoga stretch for sciatica.

Tar Asana

Tar asana is an excellent yoga stretch for the whole body. It stretches all the nerves and muscles from head to toe, this is a must do yoga stretch for sciatica. Stand straight with your feet placed close together and your arms kept along the sides.

Raise your arms over your head and interlock the fingers. Inhale and lift your heels as much as you can, stretch your arms as high as possible. Stay in this pose for 3-5 normal breaths, lower your feet and lift again. Repeat 5-10 times.

Shava Asana

You must perform Shava asana after each session of yoga stretches for sciatica. It helps to cool down your body and relax your muscles. Lie down on your back with your legs slightly apart; keep your arms at the sides with palms facing upwards.

Close your eyes; breathe normally and think that you are perfectly fine, you will not let a physical ailment hamper your lifestyle (this way you will become mentally strong to deal with your problem). Remain in Shava asana for 3-5 minutes, rub your palms together and place them on the eyes before opening them.

View Comments

  • These yoga stretches are indeed helpful in easing sciatica pain. However, doing them the wrong way will do more harm than good. I highly suggest to do it carefully and gently especially if you do not know the underlying cause of your sciatica. I was once a sciatica sufferer but was able to cure it using natural methods such as by consuming turmeric and by applying hot and cold compress. What I did completely is the following:

    1. Drink a LOT of water daily. This is the most basic step.
    2. Follow the guide I used in treating sciatica at home naturally (link below). This is the most important part. Please be consistent in following the guide.
    3. Lastly is to eat peanuts on a daily basis to loosen up the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve.

    Link to the review of the guide I used with great success: healthandremedies*org/sciatica-sos-review/
    (please change * to a DOT for I cannot post links here, thanks!)

    Good luck and cheers to your recovery!

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