Categories: Diet Remedy

9 Health Conditions That Crave For Spinach


Spinach is among the prime leafy greens and considered a super-food unanimously by all nutritionists and food experts. It contains immense amount of various nutrients like Vitamins, minerals, and many types of flavonoids that acts as antioxidants. Besides, it contains omega 3 fatty acids, fibre and phytonutrients. It is grown in all parts of the world and is available almost at all times during the year, but the variety available during the winters is the best in quality. It can be eaten uncooked in salad, or after cooking for dishes. Let us have a look at the different benefits of spinach.

Removes Blood Deficiency

If your doctor says that you are having blood deficiency and weakness as a result, spinach is your food. Mix 100g of spinach juice with 100g of carrot juice and have it fresh. This would rapidly increase the blood volume in your body if you have a lack of it.

Helps Getting Beautiful Skin

Spinach is filled with nutrients which is why is very important for the skin. At the same time spinach also is a great cleanser, so it purifies blood and your skin gets blemish free as a result. Mix spinach juice with carrot and tomato juice and have it twice daily to get rid of pimples and wrinkles. It even gives you a fairer complexion.

Relieves Cough & Breathing Difficulty

Cough can be often persistent and cause you to have difficulty doing your work. In such as case having spinach at your home might turn to be helpful. Make a paste of honey and pepper and mix it in spinach juice. Have small quantities of this concoction several times during the day. This would help destroy the phlegm accumulated in the chest and relieves you from constant panting and being short of breath.

Cures Night Blindness

Many people find it difficult to see in dim light, a condition called night blindness. Spinach, being high in Vitamin A can be of help in such a case. Drink the concoction of 100g of carrot juice and 50g of spinach juice once in the morning and once in the evening for favourable results.

Alleviates Thyroid

Thyroid is a disease that is fast becoming more and more common. Treating it with spinach is the best way for treating it. Take 100g of spinach juice and add to it little honey and cumin powder and have it. It will melt the thyroid tumour and destroy it.

Strengthen Children’s Bones

Children’s bodies need lots of nutrition as they are constantly growing and expanding. For bone growth and strengthening calcium is a must that is plentiful in spinach. So it is very good to feed your children spinach. Showing them the cartoons of Popeye me help them eat it more happily.

Good Pregnancy Health

Pregnant women have a high requirement of folic acid as it tends to lower during pregnancy. Spinach being a rich source or folic acid is great for women during these times. It is also a good source of iron, another nutrient that is required by pregnant women.

Stops Nose Bleeding

If your nose is bleeding, stopping it can be possible with spinach to aid you. Mix spinach and pomegranate juice and drink it for quick relief.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Spinach is full of antioxidants that prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and checks the amount of harmful free radicals in the blood. This eases the blood vessels, reducing the blood pressure. The magnesium present in spinach also plays a key role in lowering the blood pressure. That is why it is a good idea to inculcate spinach in your diet if you are suffering from high blood pressure, but please do not add common salt when cooking it. You can use black salt instead. With the above mentioned benefits, this super-food is a must have in every kitchen. Stay healthy and keep having spinach.

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