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Although it is not abnormal to witness white discharge in women but when it happens continuously, it definitely take the form of a problem. White discharge happens right before and after periods for a few days but when it prolongs, and happens in excess, it becomes a matter of concern. White discharge also known as Leucorrhoea if not treated can create problem to the reproductive parts of a female. The problems closely linked with white discharge are pelvic inflammation, transmission of diseases through sex, hormonal problems, vaginal infections, cervical infections and ovarian cancer. Although white discharge in less amount is normal but when it changes its color as grayish white, rusty, green, yellow or brown, it emerges as a serious problem. In case you suffer from problems such as constipation, redness, pain in stomach, pelvic pain, and itching during the course of white discharge, you must follow the remedies mentioned down below.
Here Are The 9 Natural Remedies For White Discharge:
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds makes you internally stronger thus resolving this issue slowly and slowly. It balances the pH level of the vagina and affects the estrogen level positively. Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 glass of water. Let the seeds stay in water overnight. Add honey to the mixture the next morning and drink on an empty stomach.
Lady Finger
Lady finger gives relief from white discharge naturally and when mixed with yoghurt, also stops the growth of bacteria in the vaginal areas. If you never cooked lady finger in water then now is the time. Boil lady finger in water and consume it in its thick slurry form. Yes, it might feel uneasy to while swallowing but its effect in stopping the white discharge can save you from the upcoming problems. You can also soak lady finger in yoghurt and eat.
Indian Gooseberry
It is proved that white discharge can be treated with Amla. It is known for its anti-infection property which is extremely beneficial for such problems. Additionally, its richness in vitamin C helps the body ward off other diseases by boosting immune system. For its usage, cut a few Indian gooseberries and dry them in sunlight. After a few days when they becomes dry, grind to form powder. Take 2 teaspoon of this powder and mix with equal amount of honey. Consume when it is prepared. Ingest the mixture twice a day to get the results in less time.
Who doesn’t know about the several health benefits of pomegranates? Not only it tastes delicious but keeps the production of red blood cells in check. Another function is being effective enough to stop white discharge in women.
You can either eat have its juice or eat it raw with seeds. You can also crush a few pomegranate leaves and take them in with honey. Whatever way you consume the remedy but consume only in the morning.
Basil in India is not only worshipped but is also known for its diverse medicinal values. Since ages, people have been using it to treat white discharge. Crush basil leaves and add honey to it. Sip 1-2 teaspoon of this remedy twice a day to stop the discharge and keep it from flourishing further. Alternatively, you can also have it with milk every day.
Guava Leaves
Who would have thought that the leaves of the fruits that you lthrow away, can acquire so much importance to be used as a remedy someday. Yes, guava leaves are beneficial in case of vaginal discharge. They treat the problem without giving any side-effect. Collect few guava leaves and boil in water. Boil till half the water in the container gets evaporated. Strain the leaves and drink the water. Drink twice a day and come over the problem very soon.
Figs form a laxative effect powerful enough to remove all the harmful toxins and the waste from the body, which in turn reduces white discharge. Soak 2-3 dried figs in boiling water and leave for overnight. As figs will turn soft the next morning so blend them in the same water and drink afterwards. Must ensure that you have an empty stomach while drinking this.
Cranberry contains antimicrobial property and antioxidant property that prevent the thriving of bacteria attached to the vagina and this way fights the problem of Leucorrhoea. Drink one glass of cranberry juice 2-3 times daily. Make sure that the juice is unsweetened and does not contain any preservative. Drink until your problem is solved.
Saffron has antiseptic and antioxidant property that is quite helpful in treating white discharge. In addition, it gives energy boost to the body. Mix one teaspoon of saffron in 1/4th cup of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Divide the mixture into three equal portions. Mix each portion with equal amount of water and drink three times a day i.e. one portion at one time. Drink until your problem submits.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.