Categories: Home Remedies

9 Practical Ways To Say a Big No- No To Bad Breath


Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath is a common condition and can be sometimes very embarrassing. About half of the world’s population suffers from bad breath. The problem of bad breath is not a very serious problem and it can be cured easily. There are numerous easy, simple and quick ways to fight from the problem of bad breath; there is just a need to follow easy and simple ways rigorously. Here are some easy and simple ways that helps you to fight from bad breath;

Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

To fight bad breath, it is very important to maintain good oral health. Brush your teeth regularly at least twice a day for 5 to 10 minutes. Brushing removes food debris and plaque from your teeth. Always brush your teeth regularly before going to bed. Bacteria are responsible for the bad breath and regular brushing removes those bacteria from the mouth. Baking soda and salt should also be used for bushing. Salt as well as baking soda reduces acidity in mouth that resulted in fresh breath.

Scrape Or Brush Your Tongue

Regularly clean your tongue with the scraper. Tongue scraper can clean the residue that results in foul smell. If you do not have tongue scraper then use toothbrush as tongue scraper to clean your tongue.

Floss Daily

One of the best ways to fight bad breath is to floss daily. Food debris is deposited in between the teeth and if the food debris is not removed then bacteria grows up and resulted in bad breath. Sometimes, toothbrush cannot reach in between the teeth and food debris remains in between the teeth. So, for removing food debris from the teeth, floss is the best option.

Avoid Tobacco Products And Quit Smoking

Both tobacco products as well as smoking are injurious to health and also contribute to bad breath. Smoking and tobacco products have the tendency to dry mouth and that resulted in unpleasant or foul smell. So, to avoid bad breath, it is very necessary to avoid tobacco products and quit smoking.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Dry mouth is also responsible for the bad breath. Drink lots of water to avoid bad breath. Drink at least 9 to 10 glass of water in a day. Always keep your whistle wet. Drinking sufficient amount of water will surely keep unpleasant or bard breath under control because water washes away bacteria and food particles from the mouth. So, drink as much water as you can in order to avoid bad breath.

Regular Visit To Dentist

To fight bad breath, oral hygiene is must. And for maintaining good oral hygiene, it is very important to visit dentist regularly and follow his advice. Good oral hygiene is one of the best ways to fight bad breath.

Chew Sugarless Gum Or Eat A Piece Of Sugarless Candy

As we know dry mouth sometimes causes bad breath, so go for sugarless candy in order to stimulate saliva flow. You can chew sugarless gum also in order to avoid bad breath.

Green Teas

As we know, bacteria are responsible for the unpleasant or unwanted odor, but green tea has a wonderful antioxidant-catechin that can removes bacteria. So, drink at least one cup of green tea in a day and say bye-bye to bad breath.

Eat Orange, Berries And Melons

All these fruits are good source of vitamin C and vitamin C is very good for the oral health. Vitamin C keeps check in bacteria and other dental problem that causes bad breath.

So, these are the simple, easy and quick ways to fight bad breath. Just follow these simple and easy ways and say a big no-no to bad breath.

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