Categories: Yoga Treatments

9 Yoga Poses For A Healthy Heart


The sad truth about the modern world today, is that it has led to the growth and development of not only the technologies, but also a plenty of diseases and heart problems are one among them. In the previous decades, heart problems and malfunctions were only related to the elderly people but, in today’s scenario, with the increase of physical and mental stress, even the younger people get affected with these heart problems and suffer a lot.

All of this can be reduced by leading a life without disturbing the nature. Even though it is not completely possible to live a life like our forefathers, we can still change certain lifestyle habits of ours such as practicing yoga poses. The yoga poses are helpful in relaxing your stress and thereby toning your body muscles. With that, here is an article which presents some of the easy to medium level yoga poses which are helpful in reducing the blood pressure, improve circulation, boosts heart rate, blood circulation and thereby helping you have a healthy heart.

1. Pond Pose:

To do this yoga pose, firstly take a position similar to the sleeping position, usually known as supine position. The next step is to slowly bend your knees inorder to bring your heels closer to your hip portion. Soon after that, try placing your legs a little apart from each other along with crossing your arms around your head. In this position, try relaxing by breathing normally and then bring back to the normal posture by releasing your arms and legs one by one.

2. Thunderbolt Pose:

To do this yoga pose, begin by sitting down on a floor. Bend your knees along with stretching your legs backwards. Now slowly come to position such that your buttocks is placed on your heels and the thighs on your calf muscles respectively. Let the big toe of both your feet touch each other and in such a way that they are cross to each other. After this, keep your head erect and gently breathe in and out and try relaxing in this posture for upto 5 minutes. However, you might find it difficult to sit for a long time in this posture, but with regular practice you can do it like a cakewalk.

3. Wind Removing Pose:

To begin doing the pose, sit down on the floor and slowly lie down on your back. Place your arms and legs to the side of your body. Try inhaling and exhaling air in this pose for a while. Now, slowly bring your knees upwards to your chest and that your thighs touches the stomach. Try holding the posture with your fingers locked to the knees and your chin touching it. Stay in this pose for upto 30 seconds and then come back to the normal posture by releasing your arms and legs.

4. Half Wheel Pose:

Initially, rest on the floor by lying on your back with legs kept straight and the arms to the side of your body. Slowly bend your knees such that your feet is together; near to the buttocks. Lift up your arms and place it above your head. Breathe in and out as you lift your hip and try to align the knees and shoulders straight. Hold on this posture as long as you can and then come back to normal posture once you wish to release.

5. Side Reclining Leg Lift:

Begin by lying to your right side on the floor by pressing your heels. Now, raise your right arm straight above your head. With the help of your elbow as support, rest your head in the right palm. At the same time, gently lift up your left leg and hold it in your left hand. Inhale and exhale out as you try to be in the pose for about a minute. Release and come back to the normal posture and try doing it to the next side.

6. Cobra Pose:

Start by lying flat in the floor with your stomach such that your feet are together. Place the elbows to your back along with keeping your hands spread under your shoulders. As you start inhaling try to lift up your chest along with your hands to a straight position. Make sure to distribute the strain throughout the spine until you achieve an arc shaped posture. Hold this pose for a while until you feel comfortable and start exhaling out by releasing the body.

7. Bow Pose:

Start by lying on your stomach with your arms to the side of your body. As you exhale, gently bend your knees such that it touches the buttocks. Now you have to take your hands to the back and hold your ankles. However, you have to be sure to not stretch your leg wider than that of your hip width. Pose your head straight and achieve the posture similar to that of a boat shape. Hold on for a while and continue breathing. Once done, release the posture and come back to resting position.

8. Waist Rotating Pose:

To do this pose, first stand with your legs apart such that the legs are not wider than the width of your shoulder. Also, make sure you spread your weight evenly. Slowly raise your arms so as to reach the level of your shoulder while you inhale. As you exhale, try twisting the entire body to the left. With the help of your left hand hold your right shoulder and bring your right hand down to wrap your back. With your neck fixed straight, hold the posture for a while and then come back to normal when uncomfortable.

9. Mountain Pose:

This is an easy pose, which is the basic of all standing yoga poses. You can do this by standing with your legs together equal to your hip width and your arms to the sides. With all your toes mound on the floor, lift only your big toes and spread apart and then bring them back to the ground one by one. With your feet firmly mound to the ground, lift up your ankles and arches as you squeeze the outer chins facing each other. Stand straight such that the spine is long and straight. Place the shoulders away from your ears and relax by rotating the inner portion of your arms. Position your body such that all the body parts are in a line. Hold on for a while and then release back to the normal position.

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