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Although age and gender plays a significant role in bringing stiffness to the body but a strong will can always rout it. With the string will, if your perform yoga, then you can ease your physical labor without involving much pain. Whether diseases or pain, whether anxiety or stress, but yoga, the pool of tranquility has the solution of all problem. If you don’t believe then you must find out about the inventor of Yoga i.e. Ramdev, whether he was flexible by birth or yoga made him.
There exists people, who shun yoga because they are not flexile but if performed by the non-flexible people then benefiting themselves with increasing concentration, yoga can strengthen muscle, check your stress and work upon the flexibility inside of you. Therefore, now if you are willing to work upon your flexibility then read below to come across 9 yoga poses known for bringing flexibility.
Here Are The 9 Yoga Poses For Flexibility:
Child’s Pose
Also known as balasana, this pose stretches your arms and brings flexibility in your spine. To come into the pose, fold both the legs and raise your hands facing forward in the air. Now bring your hands forward till it touches the ground with your head. Sit in the same posture for some time. True, that it will cause some pain in the back and thighs in the beginning but if you continue for months then it definitely will improve flexibility in you.
Downward Facing Dog
Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a bit challenging to the beginners but you can tame the pose if you continue its practice for months. Stand straight with hands in the air. Now without folding your legs, bend down, touching your hands in the ground. Here you have the choice of keeping distance or joining legs but remember to maintain proper distance between your hands and legs. Keeps your hands and legs as far as you can. This asana will stretch your knee muscles, thigh muscles and back muscles making them more flexible.
Arching Three- Legged Dog
This asana is for bringing flexibility in your spine, hip flexor and hamstring. With the support of your both the hands and feet, form a mountain like posture, the same as you did in the above asana. Keeping one leg on the mat, raise your other leg high into the air. Try to raise your leg to the extent that it touches your back. Lift your head up and look toward the leg on the mat. Hold for five minutes and try to breathe normally.
Chair Pose
Also famous with the name Utkatasana, this pose works great upon your stamina and flexibility both. Slightly bending your knees, and lifting your feet, you have to pretend that you are sitting on the chair. Keep your hands opened and parallel to your ears. Stay in the same pose for a while. It will cause stress on your knees, thighs and feet but don’t give up soon.
Tree Pose
People call it vrkasana also. This pose does not involves much pain but can influence your flexibility. Stand straight on one leg and bring your other foot near to your ankle, shin and thigh according to your capability. Now rise both the hands above your head and joined them. This asana does not cause any pain, all it requires is flexibility and will to stay in the same pose for longer.
Bridge Pose
This asana is also called as setu bandhu sarvangasana. This asana unties the entire frontage of the body; the hips, abdomen and the chest thus making them more flexible. To come into the pose, lie flat on the flour and bend your knees pointing them to the ceiling. Arms should be alongside. Now pushing your arms to the ground, lift your body from neck to knees up. Stay in the same position for a while.
Seated Wide Legged Straddle
Also known as upavistha konasana, this pose works on your legs. Although it may make you feel pain, but if practiced daily, then it can bring flexibility enough to help you perform a complete leg split. In this pose, simply sit down and open your legs straight as much as you can. Keep your back straight and your hand in the joined position. Try to increase the distance between the legs daily.
Locust Pose
This pose has the other name as salabhasana. Strengthening all the muscles of the back, this pose upgrades posture and brings flexibility. To come into the pose, lie flat on your belly and raise your legs, chest and head up in the air. Remember to keep the neck long. You can clasp your hands behind your back while lifting your limbs. This pose is helpful in bringing flexibility to the chest and shoulders.
Legs Up The Wall Pose
In short, this pose has other name as viparita asana. This pose helps in stretching your legs and your lower back, making them more flexible. This pose requires nothing but to lift your legs up on a wall keeping your upper body lie flat on the flour. Keep your hands on your stomach. Take care not to bend the legs.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.