10 Home Remedies For Fever

Even though, fever raises considerable amount of concern among people, it is essentially a part of our defense system and a positive indication of a revved up immune system that is involved in combating an infection in a more effective manner.


Hence, it is not recommended to take medications for curing fever, if the temperature does not go beyond 102° since, a higher temperature increases blood flow, enabling the white blood cells to reach the site of infection faster. However, if the temperature goes above a critical level, changing your diet and adhering to certain home remedies that act as natural medicines, can effectively ease the symptoms of fever, without necessarily using analgesics that come with a range of side effects.

Natural Remedy To Reduce Fever

Increase Your Intake Of Water And Fluids

It is believed that the toxins responsible for causing fever are generated from the waste materials that accumulate mostly in the colon and the small intestine. Hence, drinking distilled water, not only helps in detoxifying and reducing the temperature of the body, but also aids in replenishing the fluids that are lost during cold. One should also replace solid foods with plenty of fruit juices, vegetable soups, steamed vegetables, etc., to prevent dehydration and to cool down the temperature of the body.

Water And Fluids


Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C that is responsible for enhancing the immune system, thus assisting the body in fighting against the symptoms of cold and fever. The salicylic acid present in grape fruit, works as a powerful antiseptic that aids in killing the bacteria or viruses, responsible for causing fever.

It also contains a very high content of water, thus aiding in quenching thirst and keeping the body well hydrated during fever. Its pulp or grapefruit juice made by extracting half a glass of concentrated grapefruit juice added to half a glass of water, aids in reducing the burning sensation associated with fever.


Sponge Bath

Use a sponge, dipped in lukewarm water to wipe the entire body. You can also dip a towel in cold water and place it on the forehead. This serves as the easiest remedy to treat high fever. It not only brings the temperature down but also helps to freshen up the body. However, you should avoid exposing your body to air and keep it covered while sponging.

Sponge Bath


The use of fenugreek for treating fever and sore throat, dates back to ancient Egyptians and Greeks. A hot tea, made by adding one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, honey and lime juice to warm water, nourishes the body during fever. It gives a soothing effect and also acts as a means of killing the bacteria by dissolving the fluid or phlegm that accumulates in the chest.

A simpler way is to soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and cover it for about 10 minutes. Consume this mixture on an empty stomach every morning to treat fever. Yet another way of using it is to apply the paste of fenugreek leaves externally on the forehead, to obtain relief from the pain, burning sensation and hot flushes that occur during fever.


Herbal Tea

Another effective home remedy for curing fever is to consume a decoction, made by boiling a cup of water and adding one teaspoon of tumeric powder, a few pieces of chopped ginger, onion pieces, lemon grass, half teaspoon of pepper and 5-6 basil leaves, three times a day.

Tumeric, onion and ginger act as antiseptics that eliminate the micro-organisms responsible for causing bacteria. Black pepper is rich in compounds essential for treating body aches, shivering and weakness that are associated with fever. Also, hot coffee containing caffeine, not only serves as a potent decongestant, but also aids in opening up the airways for easier breathing during fever.

Herbal Tea

Raw Honey

This home remedy simply entails adding a few drops of lime juice and ginger juice to a tablespoon of honey and consuming it twice a day for relieving the symptoms of fever. Honey, through its powerful anti-bacterial action, eliminates the bacteria harboring the phlegm in the throat, calms down cough, treats sore throat and prevents sleeplessness, which are the major causes of discomfort during fever. It also acts as a powerful immune system booster, aiding the body in fighting the infection faster.

Raw Honey

Apricot Juice

Blend a teaspoon of honey with fresh apricot juice and consume it twice a day. It keeps you hydrated thereby, cooling down the body temperature quickly and reducing the need for liquids during fever. It also provides you with the essential vitamins, minerals required for fighting fever and acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps in the detoxification of the body.

Apricot Juice

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Oranges are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C that strengthen your immune system, enabling it to fight against the infection in a more efficient way.

Drinking orange juice with or without the pulp energizes the body and reduces weakness associated with fever. It is also rich in antioxidants and promotes urination that helps in eliminating toxins from the body. Additionally, the flavor of orange juice helps to neutralize the bitter taste of the mouth during fever.



Dense in natural sources of energy like vitamins, electrolytes, minerals, anti-oxidants and other phyto-nutrients, raisins serve as an excellent source for boosting up your immune system that in turn, helps you in obtaining a faster relief from fever. Soak about 25 raisins in half a cup of water for an hour.

Extract and consume its juice by adding half a teaspoon of lime juice to it twice a day to obtain relief from fever. One can also grind a mixture of 10 grams of raisins and ginger and soak it in 200ml of water for an hour. Boil this decoction until the waters level goes down to 50 ml and consume it twice daily to cure fever.


Tomato Juice With Cinnamon Powder

Accumulation of toxins in the blood is a major cause for the occurrence of fever. Hence, tomato juice and cinnamon that are rich in anti-oxidants, act in concert to scavenge free radicals and prevent the build-up of toxins in the body. Besides having a cooling effect, it also helps in activating the body and reducing restlessness that is accompanied by fever. Extract the juice from tomato and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to it. To make it more effective for treating fever, boil the mixture and consume it twice a day.

Besides all these remedies, you should get plenty of rest and avoid physical and mental exertion, to allow the body to heal and recuperate on its own. However, if a high temperature persists for  a longer duration and is accompanied by severe vomiting or seizures, you should immediately consult your doctor to evaluate other factors that could have triggered the fever.

Tomato Juice With Cinnamon Powder

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.