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Seborrheic Dermatitis or Seborrhea, is an inflammatory skin disease of the scalp, face and torso. Also known as Seborrheic eczema, this infection is characterized by flaky, red and itchy skin.
Commonly caused by Malasezzia fungus, it is also caused and aggravated by environmental factors, psychological stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue. Diet treatment for Seborrhea includes avoiding foods that trigger the infection and having those foods that control the severity of the infection.
Diet Treatment Options For Seborrhea
Eat Whole Foods
Bodily toxins and low immunity are major contributors to Seborrhea. The immune system of the body utilizes nutrients from whole foods. Foods that are rich in antioxidants and fiber cleanse the colon off the toxic materials.
Hence, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, Psyllium husk and ground flax help in removing toxins from the body and provide it with immunity-boosting nutrients, thus preventing, curing or controlling Seborrhea infection in those who consume these foods.
Avoid Saturated Fats
Malassezia furfur feeds on saturated fats through your sebaceous glands. Hence, stop eating foods that are rich in saturated fats such as non-skimmed dairy products, red meat, butter, eggs, coconut products, hydrogenated vegetable oil, refined and processed foods.
However, you could always have foods that are rich in Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), as the pathogenic fungus does not thrive on PUFA. Peanut, soybean, corn, black currant, canola and leafy green vegetables are PUFA-rich foods. Foods containing saturated fats can be reintroduced in your diet once you are free from the infection.
Know Your Food Allergen
Food allergens are known to induce or aggravate seborrhea. Coffee, citrus fruit, corn, wheat, eggs, gluten, dairy, and peanuts are certain food allergens for Seborrheic dermatitis patients.
The food allergens can be temporarily avoided during the infection and reintroduced after a few weeks. If the infection relapses then the allergen should be removed from the diet for a longer time.
Avoid Refined Sugar
Sweet foods are not only the favorite of many humans, but also the favorite of the Malassezia fungus. This fungus derives its energy for its survival, proliferation and pathogenic activities from sugar. Therefore, by avoiding foods that are rich in refined sugar, you are curbing the nutrient supply to this disease-causing organism, thereby leading to its destruction in your body.
The glucose supplied to your body through other nutrients is enough to cater to your daily energy demands. Refined sugar can be reintroduced to the diet of a Seborrheic dermatitis sufferer, once the infection is controlled.
Avoid Nutritionally Poor Food
Many foods and drinks belonging to the junk food category are slaves to your gastric whims! Once they satisfy your taste buds, they do little good to you. You should avoid eating such foods as they replace nutrient-rich foods in your diet.
The immune system of your body obtains energy for its efficient functioning from the nutrient supply of your body. An adequate supply of nutrients is, therefore, required for the healthy maintenance of your immune system. A body with a poor immune system is vulnerable to infections such as Seborrheic Dermatitis.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.