Categories: Diet Remedy

Authentic Diet Plan For Gastroparesis


Is your digestive system frequently running late on its scheduled tasks of digesting your food and clearing your bowels?  If yes, then Gastroparesis must be the culprit. The syndrome, also known as paralysis of the stomach, is characterized by retardation in the activity of the stomach, which takes an unusually long time to empty itself. In the process, you may be nauseated, feel an uncomfortable fullness after eating an insufficient quantity of food, or feel bloated.

Do not confuse it with stomach ailments such as flatulence, as this is connected with a defective vagus nerve that does not send in instructions properly to the stomach muscles to empty into the small intestine. Diabetes is the primary contributor to vagus nerve damage. Dietary remedies are preliminarily suggested to correct the fluid and nutritional deficiencies that may have occurred in the body of the person suffering from this condition, which is further treated medically.

Diet Plan For Gastroparesis

Small and Frequent Meals

Persons suffering from Gastroparesis are advised to eat small and frequent meals so that the food load of the stomach is not high and the stomach takes a reasonably small amount of time to empty its contents into the small intestine, before you start feeling the uncomfortable symptoms associated with its retarded functionality.

Liquid Diet

Gastroparesis renders your stomach weak and is incapable of grinding foods in your stomach perfectly. Hence, you should consume liquid foods that do not require your stomach to grind them.

They simply pass from your stomach to your small intestine. Fluids also contain adequate quantity of water that keeps your body hydrated. Fruit juices, soups, unsweetened yogurt beverages, etc. can benefit your paralyzed stomach.

Chew Food

A number of digestive problems arise because many of us do not follow the fundamental principle of chewing food properly. Chewing food properly comes with multiple benefits. Salivary amaylase (digestive enzyme found in your saliva) gets enough time to work on the food in your mouth adequately.

The food that reaches your stomach feels like a soft mass, which does not necessitate much effort from the stomach to grind it. Such food can be easily passed into the small intestine. Chewing the food properly also ensures that you reach satiety with a smaller quantity of food than you otherwise would.

Fatty Foods

Fatty foods are greasy and they stick to the stomach walls. They are difficult to digest. Hence, these should be avoided. However, fatty foods should not be completely inhibited, as some fats are required for providing the necessary calories. Low-fat drinks can be taken to meet the fat requirements of the body.

Mealtime Fluids

Foods that are too dry or hard should not be eaten. But if they have to be, it is better to dunk them in a liquid to make them soft before consuming them.

For foods that cannot be dunked, water or soup can be taken in small quantities alongside the hard food. This will help in emptying the stomach faster.

Multivitamin Supplementation

Do not forget to take your daily dose of multivitamin supplements. Gastroparesis impairs your digestive system due to which digestion and absorption of nutrients does not take place efficiently, leaving you with a deficit of essential nutrients, which you may have to replenish by taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

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