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5 Authentic Diet Treatment For Gallstones


Gallstones are crystalline structures composed of cholesterol or bile pigments. These are found in the gall bladder or the bilary tract and may become life-threatening, if unattended.  Gallstones make their presence felt in the human body through cholecystitis, E. Coli, pancreatitis, or ascending cholangitis.

You may get pain in the abdominal region or fever with chills. Persons suffering from gall bladder problems should follow a diet that does not encourage the formation of gall stones. In general, a diet high in unhealthy fats, and unhealthy cholesterols, and low in dietary fiber should be avoided.

5 Diet For Gallstones


Here is some good news for coffee lovers -coffee consumption is seen to reduce the incidence of gallstones!  Harvard researchers have found that gallbladder contraction is facilitated by both caffeinated and de-caffeinated coffee suggesting that caffeine and other compounds that are present in coffee trigger gall bladder contraction by increasing the secretion of cholecystokinin, a duodenal hormone that initiates the contraction of the gall bladder.

However, the effect of coffee is seen to be beneficial in the early stages of gallstones, as that will prevent the growth of gall stones in the gall bladder and expel them. Gall bladder contraction in the case of larger stones, however, will cause abdominal pain.


Moderate amounts of alcohol have proven beneficial in reducing the incidence of gallstones. Alcohol consumption seems to control the production of bad cholesterol in the body. It boosts the production of HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol. However, the quantity of alcohol that is considered ideal as a part of the gallstones diet is not defined yet.

Peanut Butter

Now, you can indulge in your peanut butter sandwiches, guilt-free! According to research findings, a daily consumption of peanuts in moderate quantities is found to lower the risk of gallstones by 20%.  Peanuts or peanut butter contain monounsaturated fatty acids that are a healthy replacement to the saturated fats that stress your gall bladder.

They also contain Vitamin E, antioxidants and high dietary fiber which promote gall bladder health, consequently reducing the risk of gallstones.

Low Fat Milk And Dairy Products

Milk and dairy products are generally found to be high in fats. Low-fat milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt are a healthy replacement for high fat milk and dairy products, as they do not stress the gall bladder.

 Being low in glycemic index and saturated fats and high in protein, yogurt facilitates gall bladder health. It is low in calories and is filling. Hence, it can be used as a replacement for high calorie unhealthy snacks.

Fruits And Vegetables

Most fruits and vegetables do not contain saturated fats or do not increase cholesterol. They are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Juicy fruits contain complex sugars and keep the body hydrated. A well-hydrated body discourages formation of gall stones as the water dissolves any sediments deposited in the body. They generally improve the health of the gall bladder, making the incidence of gallstones quite rare.

High fiber wholewheat breads and other wholewheat products, and lean meats are the other foods that are dietary recommendations for gallstones. Foods fried in cooking mediums containing saturated fats, fatty red meats, whole milk products such as cheese, butter or ice cream, and commercially processed foods such as cakes and cookies should be avoided as these contain unhealthy fats that are harmful for the health of the gall bladder.

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