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Best 5 Foods For Glowing Skin


Skin is the largest organ of our body. It works not only a protective cover for the internal organs but also defines our identity. Skin is sturdy and at the same time sensitive too. It differs in thickness from one part to the other part of the body. Skin on our face is thinnest and most sensitive.

Apart from this reason ageing, hormonal changes, pollution and sun damage play an important role in maintaining the quality of the skin. We all resort to beauty treatments some times in our lives, however, the beauty regimen can help in long term only if are also mindful of your diet. In this feature, we will discuss some wonder foods that will lend you a healthy glowing skin.

5 Foods For Glowing Skin


Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to act effectively on scar and skin spots. It is also recommended for post pregnancy stretch marks. Take 3-4 almonds, soak them overnight in plain water. Take off the peel and consume next morning, preferably first thing in the morning. During the day whenever you have hunger pangs, turn to Almonds instead of junk food. Over a period of time, you will find your skin brightening up and spots on your face receding.


Cucumber is a great accompaniment with the meals in form of salad. The water content in cucumber is very high. Consuming one cucumber every day will keep you and your skin well hydrated. Also, it is fortified with cooling properties and therefore it keeps you comfortable with the rising temperature.

You can also extract its juice and have it ones in a day for instant hydration. Application of cucumber is also recommended for tan, sun burns and irritation on skin. You can also mix similar type of high water content fruits with cucumber, for e.g. watermelon, Lemon and oranges.

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Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is not only a rich source of calcium but is also fortified with minerals and selenium. Selenium is known as the elixir of youth. These nutrients help skin fight dryness. It delays the appearance of wrinkles and pre mature ageing of the skin by keeping the skin moisturised. You can consume it raw with salad or add it to your food preparations.


Tomatoes, like cucumber have very high water content that keeps hydration to healthy levels. But this is not the only reason why tomatoes are good for skin. Tomatoes have anti-tan properties and can provide you relief from sun spots and skin darkening.

Both oral intake as well as external application of tomato pulp help skin in attaining an even complexion. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and have anti-oxidant properties that clean the blood and works for a healthy glow from within.


Fish is a healthy source of good fats. It is considered the best when it comes to youthful and glowing skin benefits. Fish is high on Omega3 fatty acids. This discourages formation of wrinkles and recreates and nourishes the tissues of the skin. Fish also rich in Vitamin A that aids in skin growth. The healing and recuperating process of skin gets a boost with consumption of oily fish.

Include these 5 foods in your daily diet and say good bye to your most common skin problems. And that too without burning a hole in your pocket!

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