8 Remedies For Weight Loss


For hundreds of years, Ayurvedic medicine practitioners have relied on herbs for promoting weight loss. Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss includes several herbs that help to burn fat and restore the natural metabolism rate of the body.

Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss

1. Garcinia Cambogia (Vrikshamla)

Garcinia cambogia is a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss. It contains hydroxycitric acid, which might help to inhibit fat accumulation. Studies suggest that Garcinia cambogia might modulate the activities of genes associated with fat synthesis. When taken with a high-fat diet, Garcinia cambogia might prevent development of visceral fat tissues.

2. Commiphora Mukul Resin (Guggul)

Commiphora wightii resin, commonly known as Guggul, is a powerful fat burner. It could correct lipid disorders and treat obesity. It could lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein or the bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Guggul could even elevate the concentration of high-density lipoprotein or the good cholesterol in the blood.

3. Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)

Ginger might assist weight loss. The phytochemicals present in ginger regulate metabolism of cholesterol and controls oxidation of fatty acids. It inhibits fat accumulation and lowers the cholesterol level in the blood.

4. Salacia Reticulata (Kotahla Himbutu)

Salacia reticulata, a popular Ayurvedic herb for weight loss, impairs growth and multiplication of adipose cells. It suppresses accumulation of fats. It is especially effective in people suffering from insulin resistance diabetes, in which excess body fat reduces sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

5. Nigella Sativa

The seed extract of Nigella sativa, commonly known as kalonji in the Indian subcontinent, is recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners for promoting weight loss. The anti-obesity effect of Nigella sativa seed extract has been demonstrated in clinical trials. It could improve the body mass index and waist-hip ratios.

6. Cyperus Rotundus

In the traditional Indian medicine system, the root tubers of Cyperus rotundus is used for accelerating weight loss. It enables fat burning by inducing thermogenesis.

7. Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice)

Abdominal fat could be reduced with the help of licorice. Flavonoids in licorice inhibit oxidation of fatty acids. It also helps to reduce triglyceride content in the liver and blood.

8. Diet For Obese People

In Ayurveda, health disorders are attributed to imbalance of the pitta, vata and kapha systems of the body. According to the traditional Indian medicine system, kapha dosha is responsible for accumulation of excess fat in the body. Individuals prone to kapha dosha tend to overeat. They especially crave for sweat foods. According to Ayurveda, obesity might be treated by healing the kapha dosha. Dietary intervention might help to treat kapha dosha. The traditional Indian medicine system claims that people prone to kapha dosha have ‘low digestive fire’. Hence, they should avoid heavy meals. Instead, they should have smaller lighter meals, once in every four hours.

They should limit consumption of sweet, salty and sour foods that require high digestive fire for digestion. Increasing intake of bitter, astringent and pungent food would promote secretion of digestive enzymes. Consuming cold beverages and foods tend to aggravate the kapha dosha. People prone to kapha dosha should not eat too slowly or too quickly. Eating at a slow pace or high pace might lead to overeating.

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  • I've been overweight for 10 years and tried so many things. Different things work for different people and I was lucky enough to find one that worked for me. I lost 18 pounds in one month without any exercise and it has been a life changer. I'm a little embarrased to post my before and after photos here but if anyone actually cares to hear what I've been doing then I'd be happy to help in any way. Just shoot me an email at oceanflowers82@gmail.com and I'll show you my before and after photos, and tell you about how things are going for me with the stuff I've tried. I wish someone would have helped me out when I was struggling to find a solution so if I can help you then it would make my day

    • I really wanna know how lose weight..i want to reduce 15 kgs frm my body...

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