5 Best Herbal Remdies For Cysts


Cysts can appear anywhere on the body. They are smooth rounded and hard structures under the skin which form due to infections, blocked sebaceous glands, or due to the presence of any other foreign material and built up toxins and impurities. They occur in the tissues of the body and usually contain fluids or semisolid substances. Sometimes they are painless and grow very slowly.

But if the cysts become infected and inflamed, they cause pain, itching and burning and sometimes they even break open. Cysts developing on internal organs such as kidneys, liver and pancreas are small and do not produce any symptoms so they are not felt at all. But those that appear under the skin, on the arms and legs and on the trunk are easily discernible and look like ugly red lumps beneath the skin. These growths are very painful and tender to the touch.

Herbal Remdies For Cysts

Aloe Vera

Rub aloe vera gel on the cyst several times during the day. Also drink one cup of aloe vera juice to eliminate all the impurities from the body and to shrink the cyst quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This herbal remedy has been in use since time unknown for its well renowned healing and curative powers. Apple cider vinegar is a very effective remedy for getting rid of the cysts.

It restores the pH balance on the skin, eliminates any infection and soothes the itching and burning. Take a cotton ball and dip it in some apple cider vinegar. Swab the cyst with it several times during the day. In addition to this, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and consume it twice daily.


This herb is full of innumerable medicinal values which have been exploited to the full in traditional medicine. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are very good for treating and curing cysts.

It removes all the harmful impurities and the toxins from underneath the skin and the entire body and helps the cyst to shrink over a period of time. Mix one glass of water and two teaspoons of dandelion root powder and simmer the mixture on a low heat for ten minutes. Allow the tea to stand for another ten minutes after which filter it and drink three cups daily.

Also Read

Natural Cure For Cysts
Natural Cures for Ovarian Cyst
Simple Home Remedies For Pilonidal Cyst

Burdock Root

This herb has a plethora of healing and curative powers which are extremely useful in treating a host of diseases and ailments. The chief characteristic of this herb is its blood purifying properties.

It also has huge amounts of vitamin C which helps to shrink the cyst and to keep the tissues strong and healthy. It also detoxifies the whole body and keeps it strong and healthy. Boil a cup of water and steep two teaspoons of burdock root powder into it for fifteen minutes. Strain the tea and drink three times daily.

Yellow Dock

This herb is not only a powerful tonic but also has immense blood purifying and cleansing properties which eliminate the cyst causing elements from the body and detoxify it thoroughly. Boil one liter of water and add one cup of dried and chopped yellow dock root to it. Simmer for twenty minutes. After half an hour filter the tea and drink four cups daily.

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