Categories: Herbal Remedies

Best Herbal Remedies For Angina Pain


Angina pain is a symptom of coronary heart disease; when the heart muscle fails to get enough blood and a discomfort is felt in the chest area that slowly spreads to neck, arms, shoulders, back and even jaw. The condition may become serious in a very short time, thus immediate medical attention is required.

The symptoms of upcoming angina pain are discomfort in the chest, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, breathlessness, dizziness and sweating. This kind of pain can be a threat to heart attack, thus immediate medical help should be ensured for the patient; however there are some herbal ways to ease the patient and reduce the frequency of this heart disorder. Check out the best herbs to get rid of the problem of angina pain:

Herbal Remedies For Angina Pain


This herb has been used by the herbalists to treat patients with high blood pressure, thus consuming the herb hawthorn assures significant improvement in cardiac functioning. Many cardiac medications recommend this herb.

A special herbal preparation made from the flowers and leaves of the hawthorn tree relieves angina symptoms by enhancing the coronary artery blood flow. The dose is 500 mg a day of this herbal preparation. The preparation can be purchased from the drug stores or also prepared at home by grinding the hawthorn flowers and leaves into fine watery solution.

Cactus Grandiflorus

This herb is a good cardiac stimulant, thus used as an ingredient in many herbal and homeopathic medications to treat angina pain. The herb is known to ease the blood flow into circular muscular fibers, thereby avoiding constrictions.

The patient experiencing the pain should immediately take few globules of Cactus Grandiflorus 30C (homeopathy dosage) to get relief from the pain. The amount of dosage should be discussed with a physician to rule out the possibility of any side effects.


The regular intake of this perennial herb ‘garlic’ helps to reduce the production of fats and cholesterol in your heart, thus restricting the possibility of angina pain. A clove of garlic a day is good for a person who have high cholesterol and also it makes the blood flow smooth by thinning the blood.

When the tendency of blood to clot is checked, the chances of angina pain reduce greatly. In case the smell of garlic is annoying, you can consume garlic capsules available in the market. The dose is a 6­millimetre slice of an average garlic root daily; or 250 milligrams per day in the form of capsules.

Ginkgo Biloba

This herb has attained a great value in the prevention of angina and also in treating many other cardiovascular diseases. Ginkgo is a strong antioxidant that neutralizes the free radicals, which if left free can cause damage to the organs.

The herb also ensures efficient working of the cardiac cells and increases blood supply through veins and arteries. It prevents platelets from sticking together, thus keeping away the trouble of blood clotting .The general dose is 40 to 80 milligrams in form of capsules, three times per day.


This herb is known to dilate coronary arteries, thus giving more space for blood flow and reducing the angina pain. Many scientific studies have proved this herb to be truly effective in treating angina disorders.

Also, the consumption of this herb ensures improved exercise tolerance and brings heart rhythms to normal pace in people prone to heart troubles. The general dose 12 % khella extract per day, or 250 – 300 milligrams in capsule form. Overdose can lead to nausea and decreased appetite.

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