5 Best Herbal Remedies For Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are one of the most common menopausal discomforts. They are mainly caused by low estrogen levels and sudden rapid changes in the blood vessels. The blood vessels expand suddenly and this causes an onrush of blood to the skin, which heats the body.

A feeling of warmth diffuses over the whole body and intense heat is especially felt on the neck, face and chest making you sweat profusely at first then as the sweat evaporates it leaves you thoroughly chilled. Sometimes the heat wave is of such intensity that it makes you want to strip off all your clothes. Hot flashes can last from a few minutes to an hour or so.

These bouts of heat can occur a few times a week or several times during the day. When they occur at night, they can interrupt sleep and cause great discomfort. Mild or moderate flushing is not as distressing as severe flushing which is very disabling. It can hinder your daily tasks and disrupt your sleep so badly that you are unable to perform any chore efficiently and makes life most miserable.

5 Herbal Remedies For Hot Flashes

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a very valuable herb which has superb medicinal powers. This remedy is particularly good for hot flashes as it has large amounts of plant based estrogen which enhance the insufficiency of estrogen in the body and thereby restore the hormonal imbalance. It will bring tremendous relief in the hot flashes and you will be able to sleep soundly. Take one 20 mg tablet of black cohosh for three months.

Black Cohosh

Licorice Root

This herb though used for treating and curing innumerable diseases and ailments is especially very good for relieving hot flashes. This herb has vast reserves of flavonoids and other important compounds which enhance the estrogen level in the body and prevent the breakdown of the hormones thus maintaining the hormonal balance which is very crucial for hot flashes.

Licorice Root

You can prepare licorice tea by boiling half a teaspoon of the root powder in a cup of water for two minutes. After ten minutes, strain the tea and drink three cups daily.

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Effective Herbal Remedies For Hot Flashes

Red Clover

Red clover flowers are sweet and are widely used in salads and iced tea. This herb has quite a few medicinal values which address a vast number of diseases and disorders. It is very high in isoflavones which are converted to phytoestrogens in the body.

Red Clover

These are similar to estrogens which relieve hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. It is also provides the body with strength and vigor. Take one capsule of red clover extract three times daily.

Sage Tea

Sage is a wonderful herb and has innumerable healing properties. It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains large amounts of flavonoids which maintain the health of the blood vessels and purify the blood. It relives the hot flashes, reduces their intensity and strengthens the body.

Sage Tea

Bruise six to eight leaves of sage and boil in a cup of water for three minutes. Strain and add four drops of lemon and a teaspoon of sugar. Drink this tea at least twice a day to relieve hot flashes.


These herbal seeds have a huge store of medicinal values which have been exploited to their full potency in ayurvedic medicine. Their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory relieve hot flashes quickly. Swallow a teaspoon of fenugreek with some water, once daily.



5  Herbal Remedies For Hot Flashes

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.