8 Best Herbal Remedies For Insect Bites And Insect Stings


Insect bites and insect stings are quite common to many of us particularly during the summer. There can be a beehive outside your window, and you can get stung by a few bees from there. There are various kinds of insects in this world, and their bites and stings produce various degrees of irritation and discomfort. Sitting at home you can get stung a few times by mosquito and wasp. It is really difficult to avoid such bites and stings. 

When you can hardly avoid such bites and stings you should be prepared with the remedies. This way you can act as soon as you suffer a bite or a sting. You can even prevent a bite. Thankfully the variety of herbal remedies for insect bites and stings is as wide as the variety of insects. For every kind of bite you have a solution in the herbal world. You need not visit a doctor. Let us explore some of the herbs for insect bites and stings.

8 Herbal Remedies For Insect Bites And Insect Stings

Banana Peel

It has been seen that the inside surface of banana peel is a wonder remedy for itching and stinging of insect bites. The foremost quality of banana peel is that it can take away the stinger and the itch associated with it. For this peel a banana and rub the affected area with the inside surface of the banana peel.

After about one and half hour wash the area and apply some sanitizer to ease the itch. Along with this you can also apply some ice on it. Ice will douse the instant inflammation and itching.


This herb that grows commonly in gardens is commonly treated as a weed. It is an excellent medicine for mosquito bite and wasp stings.

For using this herb grind some plantain leaves, make a poultice out of it and apply on the place of bite. You will feel relieved after a few minutes. The itching and burning will be gone within a few minutes.


The essential oils in lavender are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It provides comfort in the aftermath of insect bite and sting. You can prepare the oil at home. For this purpose finely chop some lavender flower and steep it in a little of vegetable oil.

Now heat the mixture until you can smell the aroma of lavender. Now take if off flame, let it cool off and strain to get the oil of lavender. Rub some of this on the stung area. You will feel relieved of the discomfort.

Marshmallow Root

This is anti-inflammatory herb. Because of this property it can offer you relief from the inflammation and irritation of bee stings. A poultice made from marshmallow root should be applied on the bee sting area.

You can add to it some tea tree oil because of its disinfecting property. The combination will not only offer a soothing sensation, but will also prevent infection. Adding some lavender oil to it will make it an even more better  anti-inflammatory concoction.


This herb has been found to be of special significance when and if you are bitten by fleas. Essence of wormwood is available commercially. Infuse this essence in some boy oil and apply it on the affected area. You will get considerable relief.

Also Read

Home Remedies For Mosquito Bite Relief 
11 Distinguished Remedies For Insect Bites 
6 Home Remedies For Insect Bites And Stings 


When you are bitten by unknown bugs there is a chance of immune reaction or infection. This can be tackled to some extent by Echinacea. Echinacea is a strong antibiotic as well as a good immune booster.

Both these properties are quite useful in fighting insect bites and stings. Apply some tincture of Echinacea directly on the stung area.


Chamomile is a relaxant and stress buster. It is also used in the aftermath of insect bites and stings because of its immune boosting and ant-inflammatory nature. It also pacifies the nervous system. It is also good for the swelling and redness, if any.

Take one teaspoon of dried chamomile herb and steep it in a cup of steaming hot water for at least 10 minutes. Now strain it and take the clear liquid. Soak a clean piece of cloth in it and apply that on the affected area. You will feel instant relief.

Witch Hazel

This is a shrub with astringent property and the medicine is obtained from the twigs of the shrub. It contains tannins, flavonoids and various other chemicals.

This makes it a very good antibiotic, antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory herb. You can apply it on inflammations and swellings. This will bring down the redness and swelling along with the itch.

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