Categories: Herbal Remedies

Best Herbal Remedies For Leaky Gut


Epithelial cells that line the walls of gastrointestinal tract form a tight junction. When these tight junctions get loosened due to some abnormality in the system you suffer from increased permeability of the intestinal walls. This is known as leaky gut. In other words the bowel lining gets damaged. This leads to leakage of toxins, undigested food, parasites, infections and even medicines from the intestine to blood through the intestinal walls. These substances either attack the body directly or attack the immune system of your body. This can trigger an autoimmune reaction or some other disease.

Modern medicine envisages prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants along with foods that are appropriate for such pathologic condition. You should also take lot of probiotics which fight the bad bacteria and restore the balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestine. But this is not enough. It has been seen that herbs work very well to prevent and cure leaky gut syndrome. Let us explore some herbal remedies for leaky gut.

Herbal Remedies For Leaky Gut


This is one herb that seems to be perfect for gastrointestinal disorders, especially leaky gut. It has been traditionally used in china to treat gastrointestinal problems. Clinical studies have shown that berberine is quite useful in healing leaky gut. It can repair the damage caused to the intestinal wall by the inflammatory molecules.

This way it can help you to repair the tight junctions and heal leaky gut. But along with this you should also have a diet that does not aggravate a leaky gut. Gluten free diet is recommended in such cases.

Aloe Vera

The bowel lining is under attack and it is inflamed. While attempting to repair the lining you can offer some respite to it by having anti-inflammatory herbs. Aloe vera is a highly acclaimed anti-inflammatory herb.

Though it is mainly used on the skin it can be taken internally to fight inflammation. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties will provide some respite to the troubled bowel lining. Take some aloe vera gel mixed in water every day.

Slippery Elm

This is a demulcent herb, meaning that it soothes the membranous lining of the intestine. It acts like a bandage repairing the open space and saving if from further attack.

Slippery elm is available in powder form. Add one teaspoon of this powder in a cup of water twice a day and drink it. You will get a lot of relief from the symptoms of leaky gut.

Marshmallow And Echinacea

Marshmallow is another demulcent herb that soothes the epithelial lining of gastrointestinal system. Along with that if you take Echinacea you can get over the symptoms of leaky gut to a large extent. Echinacea provides a boost to the sagging immune system so that it is able to fight the toxins better.

Moreover, it is a good anti-inflammatory herb and will save you from the suffering due to inflammation. Over and above it is full of antioxidants which can helps in the elimination of free radicals which are responsible for inflammation and disease of the cells. You can take 200 mg of marshmallow twice a day. One ounce of Echinacea extract taken with half a cup of water will have the desired effect of Echinacea.


This herb can be taken in leaky gut syndrome simply because here is a herb that is beneficial for any kind of gastrointestinal problem. If offers comfort to the agitated digestive tract.


Chamomile is mostly used as a stress buster. It can remove some of the stress from leaky gut. Moreover, it has the ability to get rid of pain and cramping in the stomach that may result from leaky gut.

It also removes stomach gas and gives relief from acidity. You can have it as tea. Two cups of chamomile tea daily will be good for you in leaky gut.


This herb has a specific property which is helpful in gastrointestinal disorders. The specific property is that it stimulates bile flow which his essential for gastrointestinal health. Owing to its antibiotic character it can also kill the bad bacteria flourishing in your gut.

This will cure most of the problems of leaky gut. Over and above it has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal lining. Take two cups of peppermint tea every day to get relief from the symptoms of leaky gut.

Cat’s Claw

Root of this herb is anti-inflammatory in nature and can boost your immune system. Due to these properties this herb can be used effectively in leaky gut syndrome. You can take capsules, tablets or tea made from this herb.

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