5 Best Herbal Remedies To Heal Wounds


Wounds small and big have remained with living beings since ages, and so has the wound care practice. Since those times our plants and herbs have catered us with solutions to almost all physical problems. Herbal treatments for wounds are still alive among gypsies, tribal and folk communities. Many wounds can be cleaned and disinfected with herbs existent around us.

They have amazing virtues of drying and binding wounds. Ayurveda is one such organized herbal medication system that uses a vast variety of herbs for remedies and many people rely on ayurvedic healing for health issues. Let us thus look at some of the most widely used traditional herbs in various parts of the world.

5 Herbal Remedies To Heal Wounds

Aloe Vera

The semi-solid extract from the leaves of Aloe plant has very good qualities to heal wounds. It proves to be excellent in case of burns, sun burns, scrapes and wounds. Aloe can inhibit inflammatory activity of wound and help heal the wound fast.

Clean the affected area with cold water and directly apply this extract on the injury. If you do not have an aloe plant in your garden, then you can purchase a bottle of this gel from a chemist shop.


Turmeric is also one of those well known traditional herbs used to heal injuries. It is a strong anti-septic and anti-inflammatory agent. You may need to consult a doctor before using turmeric if you are taking any blood thinning medication.

Curcumin compound found in turmeric supports repairing of wound, due to its anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti- inflammatory properties. Prepare a paste by mixing a little water to the turmeric powder and apply this over the wounded area.


Marshmallow is an excellent wound doctor, as it can remove poison and debris from deep cuts also. It helps to fasten up the healing process of burns, bruises and wounds. Its roots are very useful in some types of tumors, wounds, bruises, burns, scalds and poisons.

It works by protecting injuries from being infected and helping with the cell growth. A bandage can be prepared by pounding this herb and mixing it in water. This poultices can be wrapped around the wound and left overnight

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Yarrow is also known by the name of Soldier’s Woundwort or Achillea millefolium. It has been used since thousands of years to heal the battle wounds of soldiers. It is used for its antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic material (that helps stop bleeding), lessen pain and heal the injury.

Young yarrow leaves are crushed and wrapped around the wound, to accelerate drying process. As first aid, yarrow leaves can be dried, powdered and preserved in tight container to be used on blisters, burns, and shaving wounds.


Also known as Solidago, Goldenrod is great healer of wounds. It has powerful quality of drying up deep injuries, even the battle wounds, which gives it the name, ‘woundwort’.

It eases inflammations and infections due to a strong compound present in it called leiocarposide. Extract the brew from Goldenrod by boiling 3-4 grams of this herb in water and take it twice a day or as prescribed by herbalist.

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