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8 Best Home Remedies For Appendix Pain


The appendix (a tiny, finger-like structure) is present in the lower side of the abdominal region and is connected to the large-intestine. Sometimes, it gets blocked, which results in swelling and bacterial infection.

Appendicitis refers to this infection and swelling of the appendix. Although anyone can develop this condition, it is more prevalent in individuals between the age group of 10 – 30 years. Appendicitis is usually treated using a combination of antibiotics and surgery. However, this condition can be cured using home remedies, if it is noticed at an early stage.

8 Home Remedies For Appendix Pain

Carrot, Cucumber And Beet Juice

The raw and natural juices of these vegetables serve as an exceptional remedy to treat the problem. The juice must be consumed 1 or 2 times a day. This will provide relief for those suffering from any of the problems related to appendicitis.


Fenugreek seeds are used to cure an array of conditions including appendicitis. The concoction is prepared by using fenugreek seeds (2 tbsp) and water (1 L).

Simmer the mixture for about 30 minutes and strain it. Drink a glass of this warm concoction to get relief from the symptoms associated with this condition. Due to its effectiveness, this home remedy is highly recommended.

Green Gram

This is one of the trusted remedies for appendicitis. One tbsp of green gram must be consumed 3 times a day to treat the condition effectively.


Take yogurt (2 tbsp) and mix with water (1 glass) and salt. Blend all the ingredients to form buttermilk. Drink 3 to 4 glass of buttermilk daily. This will prevent the growth of bacteria in the appendix.


Garlic is one of the useful remedies to treat appendicitis. It helps in reducing inflamed appendix.

Turmeric And Ginger

A combination of these two spices acts as a potent natural cure. They work together to get rid of the inflammation associated with appendicitis. Therefore, it is important to include them in your diet to get relief from the symptoms quickly.

Alternatively, you can drink ginger tea. As ginger is packed with gingerols (a type of anti-inflammatory agent), it alleviates the inflammatory process and reduces the pain as well. Grate ginger root (1 tsp) and add to the boiling water (1 glass). Simmer for about 15 minutes. Drink this tea 3 times a day.

Whole Wheat

Including whole wheat such as wheat germ and wheat bran in your daily diet is effective in treating the condition. Whole wheat is quite good for the digestive system.

Other Home Remedies To Treat Appendicitis

Chewing holy basil leaves (2-3) is quite effective in mild cases. You can also drink the concoction prepared by using basil leaves. Mint relieves the pain associated with appendicitis. Mix lemon and honey in equal quantities and take this mixture every day to prevent digestive disorders during appendicitis. Drink plenty of water all through the day. This is quite important to maintain healthy appendix. Also, it is imperative to keep away from junk foods, colas, canned or preserved food, salt and fat. A well-balanced diet (a high fiber diet that includes green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit) will relieve the symptoms.

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