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7 Best Home Remedies For Jaw Line Acne


Have you ever noticed tiny white or black bumps below your lower lips? These appear as tiny white or black dots and often go unnoticed. If yes, then you need to know that these are the pustules of acne. They appear mostly white in color as the sebum present below the skin gets trapped because of the closed pores.

They turn black when the skin cracks and bacteria enter the pores. We do so many treatments to cure the acne on our cheeks and T-zone but sometimes forget to treat this area. So in this article we bring to you some easy home remedies that you can do at home to remove the acne pustules in your jaw line area.

7 Home Remedies For Jaw Line Acne

Rub A Lemon

Lemon has good anti septic and anti bacterial properties. So if you notice white bumps below your lip, you can rub a lemon in that area twice a day. This will help in removing the oil trapped below your skin.

Use A Mild Brush

You can try this remedy too. You need to take a mild brush such as a used tooth brush. Put some tooth paste on it and rub your jaw line in circular motion. This will cleanse the area when done every alternate day.

Use Neem Paste

We are aware of the fact that neem is rich in anti bacterial properties. If you suffer from acne neem is perhaps the best home remedy to look into.

You can take a few fresh leaves of neem and make a paste using it. Rub this below your lip and let it dry. The anti bacterial properties of neem will help in eliminating the bacteria below your skin causing acne. You need to do this regularly for three days to get the best results.

Exfoliate Using Salicylic Tablets

Salicylic acid works best against acne in any area. If you notice white bumps below your lower lip you can crush two aspirin tablets and make a paste out of it using a little warm water. Apply this paste on the area and let it dry. After it has dried completely rub the paste all over the area in circular motion. You can also using creams that contain salicylic acid or benzoic acid.

Also Read

Tips To Get Rid Of Acne With Vitamin C
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6 Amazing Home Remedies For Open Pores
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Scrubbing And Regular Exfoliation

Scrubbing and regular exfoliation can go a long way in removing the jaw line acne. You need to use a scrub in the form of apricot scrub, orange peel scrub or rice grain scrub and exfoliate the area. After this you can wash it off with cold water. Do this regularly and you will notice your acne disappearing from your jaw line.

Steam Your Face With Warm Water

Steam therapy will help in opening your pores. You need to take a bowl of steaming water. Cover your head with a towel and let the steam soak into your skin. After this use a scrub as your choice and rub it over your face. You will notice that your jaw line becomes clean very easily.

Use A Pack Made Of Egg White

You need to take an egg and pour out the egg white from it. Beat this egg white using a spoon till it turns foamy. Apply in your jaw line using a clean brush. Then take a tissue paper and pat it against the moistened skin. Keep it for twenty minutes. After the paper gets hard, peel it off in a single stroke. This will help in removing the acne trapped below your jaw line very easily.

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