Categories: Home Remedies

5 Best Home Remedies For Overactive Bladder


Overactive bladder also known as urge incontinence is one of the widespread health issues that mostly affects women, but can also occur in children and men. Incontinence becomes more common with age. Typically, people with this problem urinate frequently all through the day and might wake up at least two times or sometimes even more during the night in order to empty their bladder.

Acidic and spicy foods usually worsen the symptoms of incontinence, but including fiber-rich food in their diet will help in relieving the problem, as constipation and irregular bowel movements could cause too much stress on the bladder.

People with this problem usually face a lot of inconvenience and are afraid of vacations and other social engagements because of their overactive bladder. The loss of control bladder is actually not a disease, but an indication of a whole host of likely causes. Luckily, bladder problems are easy to cure and it is possible with home remedies as well.

Home Remedies To Treat Overactive Bladder

Bran And Whole Grains

Whole grains including brown rice, popcorn, oatmeal and wheat are rich in fiber. The daily fiber requirement can be attained by replacing pasta and white bread with healthy and whole-wheat varieties.

Muffin snack bars and bran cereals are some of the best choices that can promote normal bowel movement, which in turn reduces the pressure, especially on the bladder.


By including various fiber-rich veggies in your daily diet, you can reduce the symptoms of incontinence. Peas, sweet potatoes, yam, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and corn are some of the best choices. Make sure to use the veggies without peeling their skin to get maximum fiber content.


Besides vegetables, fruits also play an important role in preventing the problem of overactive bladder. The high amount of fiber present in fruits, especially dried fruits like apricots, dates, prunes and raisins is quite useful to treat the problem. Also, berries such as strawberries and blueberries have high fiber content.

Nuts, Seeds And Beans

Peas and beans such as kidney, black and red beans are a rich source of fiber. Therefore, snacking on pumpkin or sunflower seeds or peanuts can increase the daily fiber intake, which potentially reduces the stress on the bladder, thus preventing the problem of incontinence.


The Cleveland Clinic suggests people suffering from overactive bladder symptoms to drink at least 3 glasses of liquid every day. It is important to evenly spread the intake of beverages and water all through the day because drinking large quantity of liquids in a short time can trigger a need to urinate.

Drink 2 glasses of water measuring eight ounces each during meals and 1 glass of water of eight ounces between meals. Avoid liqueur, sugar, oil and spicy foods, sodas, coffee, syrups, tea or junk food.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

The Kegel or pelvic floor exercises are quite helpful in treating urinary incontinence, especially the stress incontinence. Nevertheless, it is useful for urge incontinence as well. In these exercises, the muscles which are involved in stopping urine are trained.

In order to find the right muscles, try stopping the urine stream the next time. Initially, you might find this to be difficult, but over a period of time you gain control over these muscles and can eliminate the problem completely.

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