Categories: Yoga Treatments

Best Yoga For Upper Back


In today’s fast-paced world, upper back issues have become quite rampant. With increase in usage of computers, sedentary lifestyle and long working hours, it has become difficult to prevent this issue. This is because everyday tasks are done in a seated position and gravity tends to take over the shoulders and starts rounding forward, the head protrude out, the chest is constricted and the strain in the upper back is experienced.

This posture leads to tight pectorals, shortening of the neck and the upper back loses the strength. In order to keep the body up right, the smaller muscles start working over time. In order to strengthen the upper back, prevent strain, and relieve pain, certain yoga poses have proven beneficial. A few poses are discussed below.

Yoga For Upper Back

Eagle Arms

This yoga asana is performed in a seated position. First, you need to sit straight and erect with the feet apart at hip width. Place the feet flat on the ground. If your feet cannot rest flat, you can use a folded blanket or towel beneath them. Now, gently stretch out your hands in front and place the left bicep over the right bicep.

Gently bend your elbows in such a way that the right forearm holds the left elbow. The next step is to slowly twist the forearm of your right hand and hold the left hand palm using the right hand fingers. If it is difficult to stretch so much, you can just hold the thumb of your left hand. Now inhale for about twenty to thirty seconds and get back to the normal position.

Butterfly Wings

To perform the butterfly wings technique, you need to sit straight on a chair with your hands resting on your thigh and feet on the floor. Bring your hands to the prayer pose in front of your chest and breathe in deeply. Now, breathe out gently, as you stretch your hands with the palm still together.

Drop your head and relax the area around the upper back and your shoulders. In the next step, inhale while you sweep back your arms like a swan dive. Gently raise your face and flex your upper back. In the next step, breathe out while you straighten your spine and bring back your hands to the namaskar position. Doing this on a daily basis will give better results.

Neck Sway

To relieve strain and tension in the upper back, neck roll is performed. Performing this asana every day also reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulder and headaches. To perform this asana you need to sit erect on a chair with your head straight. Now slowly drop the head forward without hindering the position of the spine.

Breathe in deeply as you sway your head to the left where the ear on the left moves towards the left shoulder. The shoulders and arms need to be relaxed. In this position, take a few deep breaths. Now, slowly breathe out as you get back to the normal pose. Repeating this asana for about five to ten times will relax and relieve pain and strain in the upper back.

Variant Of The Seated Forward Bend Technique

This asana is opposite to the forward bend, which is normally done to balance the spine and hips. To perform this asana you need to sit sideways on a chair. As you breathe out slowly bend forward and stretch out your hands towards the legs, as you drop your head, arms and chest in a relaxed and comfortable manner. Remain in this position for about 6-8 breaths and return back to the normal position. Repeat this asana for a few more times.

Sage Twist

This asana is performed to rejuvenate the entire back, especially the upper back. It also helps in toning the abdominal muscles. To start off, sit sideways on a chair with the chair rest towards your right.

Hold on to the back of the chair. Now, breathe in and raise your head and spine. As you breathe out, gently turn your head and the upper body to the right. Remain in this position for about 4-6 breaths and return back to the normal position.

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