Best Yoga Streches For Sciatica

Yoga Stretches For SciaticaSciatica is the longest nerve in the human body that begins in the lower back and comes till the back of the leg.Now this word is described more as a symptom because sciatica is a type of intense pain that strats from the back and comes to the legs through buttocks and knees.This problem is more common for people who are officer goers,drivers, obese and old age.

The pain felt due to an inflammation of the sciatica nerve. The pain is felt in the sacrum area, along the thighs and in the hips. After the spinal cord, sciatica is the longest nerve bundle in the body and it attaches itself at several points in the lower portion of the spine and goes all the way down your leg. The SI joint and the piriformis muscles are the two points where this pain is felt.

Best Yoga Streches For Sciatica

Hip Circles

This exercise aids in warming up the hips while also keeping the SI joint in stable position. After you have completed your next exhalation, as you are inhaling allow your knees to come out wide and then begin a circular motion.

Hip Circles

Keep circling the knees towards the outside and then up to the centre as you are inhaling. Then draw them to the chest as you exhale. Do around 4-6 circles in both directions.


This exercise keeps your SI joint stable and also warms up your lower back. You are to start this exercise by lying on your back and your knees pulled up to your chest. On top of the knees place your hands. While inhaling, you are to push the knee away from your body and while exhaling you are to bring the knee towards your body and hug the knees to your chest. Repeat this exercise 4-6 times. Supine Crescent Pose: This exercise gives a lateral stretch to the glut medius and the spinal cord.


With your arms stretched all the way behind you, you are to lie on the floor with your feet together. First move the right foot to one side and then bring the left foot to meet the right one. After this, move your right arm to one side and bring the left one to meet the right arm. You are hence lying just like the crescent shape of the moon. Freeze in the position for 1 minute and then repeat on the other side.

Bridge Pose

This exercise stretches the psoas muscles. Both the feet are placed on the ground so that your feet and thighs are in line with one another. You are to lift your tail bone while you are inhaling and slowly pull your spine away from the floor, taking the shape of a bridge.

Bridge Pose

Release your spine in a controlled manner, vertebrae by vertebrae while you are exhaling. Do this gently and with great caution. Do not raise yourself too high. Repeat 4-6 times.

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Cobra Pose

This exercise strengthens the lower back muscle which in turn stabilizes the SI joint. With your feet together and palms resting underneath your, lie on the floor on your belly.

cobra pose

While you are inhaling, look forward and then gently start lifting your chest off the floor while the rest of the body remains in its initial position. Hold the position about 10 seconds, while coming down, exhale. Repeat it around 10 times a day.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.