Heavy metal poisoning are the metals compounds which has the ability to cause human toxicity. It may enter the body…
Bed sores are commonly seen in people who are immobile, bedridden or in wheelchairs for a long period. It is…
An ulcer is basically a wound. Though most of us are aware of the peptic ulcer, which we commonly refer…
We find there are quite a lot of people who suffer from kidney stones problem. Kidney stones are caused by…
All of us have suffered from pain as the wisdom teeth emerge through the skin in the mouth. Wisdom teeth…
Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid abnormality that makes your thyroid race with its activities as though it were taking part in…
An anal fissure can be a very painful condition. It is an injury in the skin surrounding the anus, which…
Laryngitis is a kind of sore throat, which results in the loss of voice. It is the inflammation of the…
Tinnitus refers to a condition where a person constantly experiences buzzing sound in the ears. This noise can take place…
Moles are nothing but small black or brown color projections on the skin. The size of these moles varies from…