Nowadays people are doing many types of yoga in order to heal from pain. Yoga [...]
Though these are quite short lived, canker sores can be quite painful as long as [...]
If any of your relatives is suffering from stomach cancer then the first thing you [...]
Putting your hand inside the undergarments and scratching the intimately private areas is really very [...]
A set of shinning teeth is the treasured beauty of every individual. A smile attracts [...]
A carbuncle is a collection of multiple infected hair follicles and is usually caused by [...]
Pimples are every teenager’s nightmare. Some of us continue to have them even later in [...]
The cartilage known as septum that separates the nose into two nostrils can lead [...]
Aging is a natural process that is inevitable part of our life. As we grow [...]
Wrinkles have been the woe of millions of middle-aged women around the world. Even though [...]
Thyroid is a prevalent disease now around the world. And women are mostly affected with [...]
Body ache is such that it can appear in any person due to many different [...]
Acne scars are one of the major daunting skin issues faced not only by teenagers [...]
A slipped disc is a painful condition in which one of the spinal discs is [...]
Your hair makes or breaks the impression of your looks. Isn’t that the reason why [...]
An abscess is generally localized as a tender mass surrounded by inflamed skin with color [...]
Digestion is an important process of the body which converts the food we eat into [...]
Dandruff is a kind of skin disorder which occurs due to the growth of fungus [...]
Beautiful hair is the desire of everyone and premature greying or whitening of hair is [...]
Dehydration can be a common problem during summers if proper care is not taken. It [...]
As we all know, nowadays, it has become almost compulsory to maintain healthy and smart [...]
When we become infected with colds and flu, the first thing we generally do is [...]
Tooth abscess is an infection inside the tooth or near the tooth which is caused [...]
When you’re having gas sometimes or on regular basis, you might be in a [...]
Whether you are blessed with a glowing skin or not, diet plays an important role. [...]
Dry winter mostly takes away the shine from lips and makes it dry and chapped. [...]
Back pain is the pain that you experience on any area of your back. At [...]
Human body has a network of arteries and veins. It is working continuously to deliver [...]
Appendix pain is also called as appendicitis which is a serious disease in which appendix [...]
When the outermost layer or conjunctivae of your eyes is infected with bacteria or virus [...]
While yoga is good for overall health, it also provides you a beautiful appearance. You [...]
Don’t worry if the kid comes home with runny nose and sneezing. He/she must have [...]
Yours is a highly contagious disease of the skin that results from infection. Impetigo is [...]
Whether it is overuse or bacterial infection the voice box or larynx can get affected. [...]
Skin tags are flaps of skin joined by a stalk and hanging from your body [...]
Mothers all over the world cherish the feeling of child bearing. They love to reminisce [...]