Dermatitis also known as eczema is a common skin condition that affects people of all [...]
When the stools are loose and watery then it is known as diarrhea. Many people [...]
Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest. It is usually linked with gastroesophageal [...]
Yeast infection mostly affects the vagina. Many women face this problem at some point or [...]
Hemorrhoids are the result of chronic inflammation of the gut. Many people in today’s age [...]
Psoriasis is a skin condition which occurs due to the malfunctioning of the immune system. [...]
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is becoming an epidemic of this age. Many children [...]
In the current scenario, preventing hair loss has become a major concern. Since time immemorial [...]
Pain can be caused by overworked muscles especially when the muscles are not used to [...]
A sore throat causes extremely distressing symptoms which can make one really ill. Pain, hoarseness, [...]
. Millions of people suffer from asthma. This common illness is mostly inherited but it [...]
Candida is a type of yeast. Many species are harmless and are normally found in [...]
Hot flashes are one of the most common menopausal discomforts. They are mainly caused by [...]
Headaches are a common complaint and nearly everyone is beset with it now and then. [...]
Itching can be caused by a number of reasons such as a dry skin, allergic [...]
In today’s world stress is a part of our daily life. Some people take it [...]
Gerd is commonly known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. When the gastric acids and the liquid [...]
Flu is a viral infection which infects the upper respiratory tract. This common ailment is [...]
Everyone suffers from bloating at some point or the other during the normal course of [...]
Sleeplessness can wreck one’s life totally. Sleep is most essential for healing and revitalizing the [...]
Acid reflux occurs when the digestive juices flow upwards from the stomach into the esophagus. [...]
Menopause is a crucial phase in a woman’s life. It is a time when the [...]
Strep throat is also known as streptococcal pharyngitis. It is caused by the group A [...]
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the patient has high glucose levels in the [...]
In today’s age nearly every adult is suffering from high blood pressure. The fast life [...]
Anxiety and stress go hand in hand. When normal feelings of worry take on an [...]
Herbaceous plants called herbs are used for cooking and also for medicinal purposes since ancient [...]
Gout is a kind of arthritis caused by the body’s inability to process uric acid. [...]
Allergies are the outcome of the immune’s system reaction to harmless substances like pollen, animal [...]
A urinary tract infection is caused by the E. coli bacteria which travel to the [...]
Bed wetting is an embarrassing situation which can be seen in all age group people. [...]
Hairs are the most important part of your body which makes you look beautiful and [...]
Everyone feels the need for laxatives now and again during the normal course of life. [...]
Herbs have been effectively used for breast-enlargement since ages. The mastogenic effect of herbs was [...]
Arthritis is a painful degenerative disease which causes inflammation of the joints. There are many [...]
Menopause is the stage of a woman’s life when she experiences absence of menstrual period [...]