Carpal tunnel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects the median nerve present in the [...]
Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD refers to the condition when esophagus, commonly known as food [...]
Rosacea is a very common benign skin condition which gives rise to red acne like [...]
When aged deceased tissues get accumulated in the eyes, the eye lenses get dark with [...]
Adrenal fatigue is usually due to serious physical, mental or psychological pressure that causes the [...]
Ovulation is that stage of menstrual cycle when a mature egg is released by the [...]
Stomach ulcer is an ulcer in the stomach and is mainly caused because of Helicobacter [...]
Memory loss is a problem where a person cannot remember certain things and it is [...]
High cholesterol refers to a situation when the body has large amounts of low-density lipoproteins [...]
Hay fever, which is also known as allergic rhinitis, is a condition caused by an [...]
Sweating helps control the bodily temperature and is natural till you look like you’ve just [...]
Menorrhagia is the medical term for heavy menstrual bleeding. It is a cause of utter [...]
Constipation is a common digestive problem when the normal bowel clearance is hampered. Normal bowel [...]
No one can ignore toothache because it is very painful and disturb our everyday routine. [...]
Everyone wants a great volume of hair. But everyone is not so lucky to have [...]
Do not allow dandruff on your scalp and hair for a long time. It damages [...]
Gas can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Most of the aged people suffer from this problem. [...]
Cold is a common problem that can attack anyone especially weak persons whose immunity power [...]
Acne is a chronic skin disease that arises mainly at a younger age. Hormonal deficiencies, [...]
Cough occurs when there is irritation in the lining of throat. Irritation starts when infection [...]
Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, which are located on both the sides [...]
Stomach flu otherwise known as gastroenteritis is the inflammation of the intestines and stomach. The [...]
Women experience many symptoms during menopause, out of which hot flashes is the most uncomfortable [...]
Uterine fibroid is one of the common type of benign tumor in women and it [...]
Different herbs and other kinds of natural products have been used for ages to control [...]
A shady Neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) is a common sight in an Indian landscape. Neem [...]
Essential Rose Water is a by product of Essential Rose Oil. It is also known [...]
Bed Sores are also known as skin ulcers, pressure sores and decubitus. They mostly occur [...]
A healthy man sleeps for about six to eight hours a day. Even if he [...]
While pregnancy is a natural phenomenon embraced by all women, things are not always hunky [...]
The effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine in treating diabetes is well documented. The efficacy of herbs [...]
Erectile dysfunction, also known as male impotence is one of the commonly seen sexual disorders [...]
Sore throat can be defined as a sort of throat infection which mainly results in [...]
A type of blistering skin rash caused by viral infection is commonly known as shingles. [...]
Menopause is an unavoidable phase in the life of a woman. The cessation of estrogen [...]
Stress is a psychological problem which can develop due to a financial crisis, over commitment, [...]