Chapped lips are the result of extreme dryness of the lips that gradually develop racks, [...]
Jaundice is a very common disease and can affect people of all ages. Jaundice will [...]
Psoriasis is a skin condition in which small, round and red bumps merge together to [...]
In men, prostate cancer is the most common cancer to be diagnosed. There is no [...]
You are pregnant but scared of the stretch marks that you will soon see on [...]
Haemorrhoids are the veins in the wall of the rectum and anus that have become [...]
Asthma is considered as a serious lung disease that causes severe bronchial and breathing problems. [...]
Suffering from constipation does not only make you uncomfortable but it also leads to stomach [...]
Cough is a common symptom when you catch a cold. It is generally very nagging [...]
Swine flu which is also popularly known as the H1N1 has been of real concern [...]
Heart disease comprises of cardiovascular diseases and disorders like congenital heart defects, heart infections, diseases of [...]
Panic attacks result from a feeling of extreme stress, irregular sleep patterns, irregular food patterns [...]
Although no definite cause of migraine has been detected, it appears that people between 10 [...]
We find there are quite a lot of people who suffer from kidney stones problem. [...]
There are many people around the world who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety as [...]
Huge numbers of health problems are creating critical situations in the present time. People are [...]
Laryngitis is a kind of sore throat, which results in the loss of voice. It [...]
Leg cramps are contractions of the muscle, especially in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It [...]
Many people complain of a dry and patchy scalp which causes several discomforts. Dry scalp [...]
Stretch marks occur during pregnancy due to the rapid stretching of the skin. They develop in [...]
Depression may be caused by some biological and environmental factors. The biological factors may be malfunctioning [...]
There are various varieties of skin cancers known. The most common causes are smoking, HPV [...]
Cancer is a very dangerous type of health issue that has entirely engulfed the world. [...]
Snoring is a very common kind of activity that can be easily seen in the [...]
Moles are nothing but small black or brown color projections on the skin. The size [...]
Sunburn is a kind of skin problem that is mainly seen in people who are [...]
With the increase in the number of health issues, it has become very important to [...]
Cold and flu are some of the most common kind of health problems at the [...]
Skin infections mainly occur due to many unhygienic conditions. Ringworm is one type of skin [...]
Women suffer from a wide range of problems, and yeast infection is one of those. [...]
With the increase in the number of health problems, it has become very important to [...]
Lice can be commonly seen in school children as well as adults. The problem must [...]
Huge numbers of health problems have entirely engulfed the present-day world. There are immense numbers [...]
Blisters are nothing but small spots that are filled with fluid. It mainly forms near [...]
Suffering from a bad stomach ache or nausea is most likely to make you feel [...]
Health problems are a part and parcel of life and you have to be ready [...]