Pink eye is caused by viral infection and is usually associated with viral cold-like symptoms. [...]
A boil occurs when there is a bacterial infection in the hair follicles and the [...]
GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a digestive disorder. It affects the lower esophageal sphincter [...]
Leg cramps are a fairly common occurrence. They usually affect the calf muscles but sometimes [...]
A cold that develops and lingers on even when weather is not of cold is [...]
Diabetes is a very debilitating disease especially if it gets out of control. It can [...]
There are various kinds of health ailments a person tends to go through and acidity [...]
Scars can appear due to an injury, skin problems like acne or surgery and are [...]
Psoriasis is a pretty common skin disease which is caused by an improper functioning immune [...]
Post nasal drip is caused by excessive production of mucus which is unable to drain [...]
Hives also known as uticaria are red, very itchy and raised areas of skin. They [...]
Staph infection is caused by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This infection is pretty common because [...]
Canker sores are a common problem which keeps occurring quite frequently. These sores, medcially known [...]
Healthy teeth depend on healthy gums. Gums not only protect the base of the teeth [...]
Tennis elbow is caused by the swelling of the tendons which lead to excruciating pain [...]
From spring to winter, every change of season brings allergens in the atmosphere which takes [...]
Acid reflux can cause many direful symptoms such as nausea, bloating, dry cough, loss of [...]
Babies skin is very sensitive and therefore regular usage of diapers lead to diaper rashes [...]
People who suffer from acne tend to have some acne on the chest as well [...]
Beautiful and healthy hair is a real head turner. Long and lustrous hair often becomes [...]
Fever blisters occur due to an infection caused by the herpes virus. This virus which [...]
Bad breath in children is normally the result of bacterial buildup at the back of [...]
Ingrown hairs are commonly seen in teenagers and adults. They generally occur on shaved areas [...]
Dark spots are a common skin problem and they become a cause of deep concern [...]
Back pain originates from the muscles, nerves, bones and joints of the spine. Its onset [...]
Acne can develop anywhere on the body where there are sebaceous glands and hair follicles. [...]
Moles are small round bumps that can occur on any part of the skin. Everyone [...]
Even though hair loss is a very common phenomenon it is somehow very difficult to [...]
Acne marks are caused by an inflamed lesion such as a papule or pustule. Inflammation [...]
As known by everyone strep throat is a bacterial infection which takes place in the [...]
Asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract which carries the air to and from [...]
A stye is caused by an infection of the oil glands of the upper or [...]
Strep throat is caused by the streptococcus bacteria. This infection is often mistaken for sore [...]
Cold sores mostly occur on the genitals or in the facial area. They are caused [...]
Ringworm is a common and very contagious skin infection caused by fungi which live off [...]
Everyone suffers quite frequently from the common cold. It is caused by a number of [...]