Breast Cancer is nothing but a malignant tumor that develops in the breast area from [...]
Cancer is a life risking disease. Cancer can affect any part of the body. Cancer, [...]
These days cardiovascular diseases have become the major reason for death both among men and [...]
Millions of people suffer from hypertension around the world. It is one of the commonest [...]
Acne also known as Acne Vulgaris is a skin disease of the oil glands that [...]
Cellulite also known as adiposis edematosa is a condition in which the skin having underlying [...]
Cysts are common and occur anywhere in the body in people of all ages. These [...]
Cystitis refers to the inflammation within the wall of the bladder. It is a common [...]
Stress is a commonplace thing in today’s world. What with pressing demands, deadlines, hassles, frustrations [...]
Sunburn is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The sun emits short wavelengths of sunlight [...]
Kidney stones are composed of a compound known as calcium oxalate. When the dissolved minerals [...]
Your child is not regular to school? And its main reason is cold and cough. [...]
An allergy also known as hypersensitivity is an erroneous response of the immune system to [...]
Scabies is caused by the infestation of a mite which produces a skin rash, composed [...]
Hangovers are the result of heavy drinking of alcohol. Too much consumption of alcohol causes [...]
Mouth ulcers are a common ailment from which everyone suffer frequently.The ulcers appear inside the [...]
Our tonsils are composed of nooks and crannies, which can trap bacteria and other minerals [...]
Tendonitis or tendonitis is basically an irritation or inflammation of a tendon which is a [...]
Love bikinis but face cellulites? Cellulite also known as orange peel syndrome is basically herniation [...]
Can’t forget those menstrual cramps? Almost all women face menstrual problems every month such as [...]
Painful blisters formed by HSV type 1 usually around mouth and lips regions are known [...]
Alcoholism refers to a condition where a person has no control over his consumption of [...]
There are many problems and diseases an individual goes through and in India there are [...]
Conjunctivitis or pink eye as it is commonly called, refers to an inflammation of the [...]
Migraines are severe headaches that are often preceded by warning signs such as tingling in [...]
Sensitive teeth are a common problem among people. It creates so much discomfort when enjoying [...]
Stomach ulcers also known as gastric ulcers are lesions or sores in the upper part [...]
An individual undergoes various kinds of health problems in their day to day lives. An [...]
Human foot is very well known example of sophisticated natural engineering design that can withstand [...]
More than half of the body mass of humans is constituted of water that is [...]
Around thirty million people suffer from migraine headaches in U.S., indicative of one migraine sufferer [...]
Diaper rash refers to the inflamed skin found in the diaper region in infants and [...]
Gingivitis are common gum diseases or a periodontal inflammations that occur around the teeth; also, [...]
Tendons are tough yet flexible fiber tissues in our body that connect the muscles to [...]
Skin Tags are small fleshy evolutions that droop out of skin and look like warts. [...]
The food is digested in the stomach by certain acids in the stomach which break [...]