Categories: Natural Cures

Effective Natural Remedies To Control Diabetes


Everyone has a sweet tooth. While some can control their sweet desires, the others give in to their temptations. After all it’s only human to desire. Diabetes is one of the most common conditions that most people face. Earlier only the middle-aged and the old faced it. In the present era even youngsters and children fall prey to it.

It is very important to remember that diabetes is not a disease. It is a condition that our body faces and is characterized by high blood sugar and disordered metabolism. Some of the common symptoms include dizziness, frequent urination, loss of weight in spite of increased appetite and skin infections.

Most often there is no absolute cure for diabetes; nevertheless it can be effectively controlled to a very large extent. One can take relief in the fact that this condition can be easily controlled with the help of natural remedies. If you are wondering how, then read on to gather effective tips to control diabetes.

Natural Remedies To Control Diabetes

Heredity Factor/ Take Precautions

For some, diabetes can be heredity. In such circumstances it is inevitable. The only sensible solution remains that instead of lamenting and cribbing, one should act before time and take necessary measures to control the situation, rather than allowing it to aggravate. It’s the state of mind which matters most in life. Keep your body fit by eating healthy foods. Include a well-balanced diet which consists of a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Keep your body fit by exercising. Remember that if your body remains healthy and fit, then you can avoid or control most ailments. Keep track of your weight according to your age and height. Obese people are more vulnerable to diabetes. Make sure you exercise regularly and jogging, swimming and brisk walking is best suggested for diabetic patients. Make sure you reduce alcohol consumption and kick the smoking habit. You will find that these common and basic preventive measures can help you deal effectively with diabetes.

Well-Balanced Meal

Eat a well-balanced meal that includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Cut down on the sweet intake. Sugar and oil are not recommended for diabetic patients. If you wish to achieve better results, then eat a lot of raw vegetables as possible.

This ensures that you eliminate oil and in turn it keeps your body healthy. A good and healthy diet is always the cure for every disease present under the sun. So begin by drawing a diet chart which incorporates a lot of healthy foods. Avoid consuming too much of junk and other unhealthy foods.

Natural Remedies To Control Diabetes

An effective remedy to control Diabetes is a powder made out of dried neem leaves, cumin (jeera) powder and ajwain.  Store the mixture in a jar and take it with hot milk every night before retiring to bed. Try this for a month and then experience good results. One can also take a decoction made out of boiling neem leaves. Take this decoction two to three times in a week. Consuming around ten fresh curry leaves every morning is believed to provide cure for diabetes acquired by hereditary. Relief can also be provided by consuming fresh turmeric powder mixed with honey. For better results, try this everyday for a month.

Bitter gourd is a very effective vegetable for controlling diabetes. Cook the bitter gourd along with its liquid and eat it along with your meal. A decoction made out of the leaves of the bitter gourd is also very effective for this cause. Soak whole wheat in water over night and the next morning grind it finely. Mix it with some pepper corns and green ginger and add a little water and stir it before straining. Drink this solution every morning for a month and eventually you will find noticeable results.

If you are still in the early stages of diabetes, then consume a few spoonfuls of the fresh juice extracted out of meethi leaves. This should be taken early in the morning for three months regularly. This controls diabetes as you gradually age and grow. You can also try another remedy which includes fenugreek powder.

Take a spoon of fried meethi powder with half a glass of curd and eat it the first thing in the morning. You can also take it every evening for better results. Diabetes can also be controlled by consuming the juice of fruits and vegetables such as carrot, spinach, cabbage, rose apple, tomato, cucumber and lemon. Avoid adding sugar to your drink.

For all those diabetic patients who just cannot resist sweets, there is an alternative. Consume the juice made out of dates or you can also eat fresh dates in any form which best suits your taste buds. It’s an enjoyable fruit and the sweetness causes absolutely no harm. Intake of cinnamon is also very effective in lowering the level of blood sugar. Green tea is another effective remedy to control diabetes. You can take it every day instead of the regular tea as a beverage.

Yoga As Cure

Yoga is believed to provide effective results in curing many ailments. Many yogic asanas is believed to control diabetes. You can begin with the basic postures and then gradually move towards those that help your cause. Consult a yoga teacher and then based on your body type and the diabetic condition, practice asanas to keep healthy and fit.

Consult A Medical Practitioner

Its best advised to consult your doctor before following any diet or remedial plan. You need to be certain that the measures you are planning to take do not cause any side effects. Get it pre-approved by your doctor and then go about it.

These are some home remedies you can follow to effectively control diabetes. Always remember that you cannot expect to achieve results over night. Keep following these remedial measures honestly and diligently and most assured, over a period of time, you will experience the results. Great conviction is very essential to heal and to make our mind and body strong. Think healthy, Stay Healthy.

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