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Women undergo various stages during their menstrual and menopausal phase that subject them to a wide range of hormonal fluctuations all throughout their lifespan. This not only impedes the action of insulin on the rising blood sugar levels and leads to weight gain but also affects the emotional well-being of women.Most often, hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended for women who undergo menopause to replenish the normal levels of female reproductive hormones in the body. However, HRT can pose many unwanted side effects, which makes natural ways of correcting hormonal imbalances a lucrative approach for women.
In today’s world, the use of fertilizers and pesticides for enhancing the quality and quantity of foods and the exposure to pollution, antibiotics and diseases have rendered most foods unhealthy by depleting their essential nutrients required for leading a healthy lifestyle.Moreover, the rising levels of stress can make the hormones go out of balance, thus leading to lethargy, obesity, anxiety, mood disorders, depression, infertility, etc., if left untreated. If you are looking for natural ways of restoring hormonal imbalances by treating its root cause, then proceed to find out how certain diet tweaks can enable your body to utilize the natural healing energy of whole foods for keeping the hormonal levels from fluctuating, without causing any side effects and without you having to shed a lot of money from your pockets.
Foods For Hormonal Balance
Foods To Eat
Flax Seeds
Rich in phytoestrogen lignans or plant estrogens, flax seeds and flax seed oil negates the effect of excess estrogen levels by acting as antagonists of estrogen in the body that inhibits the binding of estrogen to its receptors. It not only aids in balancing hormonal levels in the female reproductive system by maintaining the correct ratio of progesterone and estrogen, but also helps in restoring hormonal balance in other body parts like thyroid, pancreas, kidney, etc. They are packed with healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids that are required for synthesizing and regulating the levels of hormones in the body.
Being a rich source of manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and vitamin E, flax seeds also aid in the synthesis of prostaglandins that regulates metabolism in the body. This in turn, helps in maintaining a healthy weight and in balancing the dynamic flux that hormones undergo during one’s lifetime.
Hence, consumption of 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseeds a day, preferably by including powdered flax seeds in cakes, muffins, salads, oatmeal, soup, smoothies, custard, yogurt, etc. or replacing cooking oil with flax seed oil can correct hormonal imbalances, especially in women suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, infertility, endometriosis and the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, osteoporosis, depression, etc.
Nuts like almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pistachios, pine nuts etc., are enriched with monounsaturated-fatty acids (MUF) like oleic and palmitoleic acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids, which are required for the production of hormones.
They serve as a great source of protein, anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamin B and E that are required for the regulation of hormone secretion. Hence, to stabilize your hormonal levels, have a handful of nuts in the morning with your breakfast cereal to stay healthy and energized for the rest of the day. They are very convenient to carry and have a long shelf life as opposed to fruits and vegetables.
Avocados serve as an excellent source of essential fatty acids and are packed with about 20 different vitamins, phytonutrients, potassium and zinc, which are all required for maintaining brain and glandular health. Folate or vitamin B9 found in avocados aids in improving blood circulation, thus playing a pivotal role in establishing a good connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system to improve the secretion of hormones.
Its vitamin E and zinc content aids in maintaining the functionality of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid glands, testes, and ovaries, thus having a great impact on hormonal health. Avocados are also known for boosting the levels of testosterone that is responsible for increasing sex drive in both men and women.
Foods Rich In Fiber
Foods rich in fiber like oat bran, wheat bran, apples, bananas, oranges, peers, beans, berries, leafy greens, etc., boost metabolism and act as digestive aids by improving bowel movement. This in turn, helps to cleanse the body of metabolic by-products and toxins that accumulate and get trapped inside organs like liver and kidneys in the form of gallbladder stones and kidney stones respectively.
Getting rid of these toxins is one of the most important steps in restoring hormonal balance in the body. Moreover, fiber binds to estrogen and helps to eliminate excess levels of estrogen from the body. It also prevents constipation, which allows the re-absorption of estrogen by the body.
Green Tea
Being a rich source of catechins and anti-oxidants, green tea not only helps your body in getting rid of harmful free radical,s but also helps in balancing hormonal levels by stimulating the production of many detoxifying enzymes in the body. They also provide a soothing effect to the mind and aid in reducing the levels of stress, which is one of the primary causes of hormonal imbalances.
Moderate amounts of caffeine found in green tea helps to fight fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc., by increasing your ability to stay focused and concentrate on the task in hand. This allows you to beat the causes of hormonal imbalance like poor eating and sleeping habits.
Foods To Avoid
Processed foods, refined sugar, fried foods and fast foods that are high in trans fatty acids can wreck your hormonal levels. Unhealthy carbohydrates found in white rice, white bread and white flour can dramatically affect insulin levels, which indirectly affects the levels of reproductive hormones in the body, ovulation and fertility in women. Eliminate artificial sweeteners, preservatives and foods grown using pesticides and herbicides since these foods can overburden the liver and stimulate the release of excess estrogen and toxins that lead to estrogen overload in the body.
Despite the fact that certain foods work better than the others to help you deal with hormonal imbalances, it is important to bear in mind that women should include a variety of whole foods, organic fruits and vegetables in moderate amounts in their diet and avoid refined or processed food in order to stay healthy and maintain an ideal weight. In short, taking pleasure in cooking and eating healthily can improve the sense of well-being among women and aid in relieving the symptoms of hormonal imbalances.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.