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6 Easy Natural Cures For Wheezing


The process of breathing is one of the most important and basic functions of human body. The body takes in oxygen which produces energy and gives out waste in the form of carbon dioxide. This continuous process is so vital for the body that it cannot hold its breath for more than a few seconds. In this process, air that enters in the body goes into the wind pipe and then it enters the lungs filling the sac- like structures in the lungs. Now here wheezing occurs when one has problem while breathing. This tends to happen when there is some obstruction in the passage through which the air flows.

As a result, the body needs to put in more force to breathe which may tire an individual. Breathlessness, giddiness, lack of energy, pain in the chest are some of the symptoms of wheezing. A number of medical conditions can cause wheezing like asthma or when a foreign object enters the respiratory passage. Check out these easy and simple natural cures to get rid off wheezing.

Natural Cures For Wheezing

Ginger Tea

Drinking ginger tea will help your airways relax and stop wheezing instantly. You can prepare ginger tea by taking freshly chopped ginger root and add it to a cup of boiling water.

Let it steep for 5-10mins so that its flavors and essence get mixed with the water. Strain it and sip the tea. Have this at night before going to sleep.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea will reduce wheezing because it has got potent properties which help soothe your throat. While having peppermint tea try and avoid adding sweeteners like sugar or honey as this may aggravate the problem.


Take some long pepper, gooseberry and ginger powder. Mix all of these equally and crush them.  Make a paste out of it. This preparation should be mixed with clarified butter. This is sure to cure wheezing.

Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercise will surely reduce the effect of wheezing and cure it gradually. This will help to improve the breathing capacity and strengthen the lungs as well. With stronger lungs you will be able to deal with restriction in airflow properly.

Hot Water Bath

Taking a hot shower bath will reduce wheezing quite effectively. The heat and steam of the hot water will ease your wheezing by relaxing air passages and soothe your chest.


Regular exercise of the body is a must for the overall health of the body and can also reduce wheezing.  While exercising, one has to push its body to work hard. Over time this will strengthen the muscles involved in the respiratory system. This will repair the damaged tissues if any and improve blood circulation, which in turn will cure wheezing. 

Try these best and simple natural cure, easily available at home and requiring no expenses at all. Its important to find the reason for wheezing as it is not an illness but rather a symptom of a medical condition. The above given cure will work instantly to cure wheezing try them and stay healthy stay fit!

View Comments

  • I wheeze after smoking Nicaraguan cigars. If I switch to Cuban or Dominican, I don't wheeze anymore. Conclusion? Don't stop smoking. Change blends, and add a smooth Cognac as a pairing. Can't go wrong and you don't need a prescription. (Disclaimer: This is not an official diagnosis because I am not a Doctor. Or read the bio of George Burns)

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