5 Yoga Exercises For Arthritis Pain Relief


Arthritis means joint disorders or inflammation in joints, leading to pain. This condition causes damage in joints, muscle strains and fatigue. Arthritis is a term covering hundreds of medical conditions of joints. It can be cartilage wearing, lack of synovial fluid, auto-immune disease, infection or a combination of many factors.

Practicing yoga involves working up joints, to circulate the fluids inside the joints. If you are immobile then, you stop helping to maintain the natural maintenance system of your joints. There are a few yoga postures that can ease and cure arthritic disorders.

5 Yoga Exercises For Arthritis Pain Relief

Uttana Tadasana

Lie down on your back with feet joined and keep your palms by your sides. Inhale deeply, bringing both the hands up over your head and lock the fingers of both the hands together. Stretch the hands upwards, at the same time stretch the legs downwards.

Maintain the position for few seconds and release the posture while exhaling. Repeat this 3-4 times. This asana will keep your joint bones active and tension free, hence keeping the arthritis pain at bay.

Ardha Pavanamuktasana

Lie down on the back with feet joined together and palms by your sides. Inhale and raise the right leg and bend it at knee. Exhale and bring the thigh near the abdomen, interlock the fingers and press the thigh against abdomen. Hold for few seconds.

Now inhale again and stretch the leg up and slowly bring the leg on floor. Repeat this with the left leg also. Pawanamuktasana promotes free flow of energy in body and mind by preventing all sorts of blockage formations in the body.

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Sit on the floor stretching the legs forwards. Bend right knee and bring it near the right hip, as far as possible. Place right hand behind the back on floor. Bring the left arm over the right knee and try to hold the right ankle. If you find it difficult to hold the knee, then cross the left arm over right knee without holding the ankle.

Push right knee to left as far as possible. While exhaling, turn the head to right and try to keep your spine stretched. Breathe normally. Repeat this on the other side. Do this, pose twice at both the sides. Vakrasana removes the stiffness from knees, making it more flexible to improve the blood circulation in the affected area.

Vriksh-Asana/Tree Pose

Stand straight with feet joined. Bend the right leg and put the sole of right leg, on the left thigh. Place the right leg above the left knee or as high as possible from knee. Balance yourself gazing straight on front wall. Once you have balanced on one leg, inhale and bring both the hands over your head by your sides.

Remain in this position for a few seconds. Keep the elbows stretched. Hold for a few seconds. Arthritic patients can take support of a wall or stand by the wall to achieve the position. Now, exhale and bring both the hands and leg down. Vriksh-asana stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings and strengthens knees and ankles easing the arthritic pain.

Anuloma Viloma

Sit with your legs crossed or stretched in front. If you find it difficult sitting on floor, you can use a chair to sit. While sitting on the chair, remember to keep the spine straight. Place left hand on left knee in jnana mudra and close right nostril with right thumb by folding the middle and index finger. Slowly exhale through the left nostril and then inhale through the same nostril.

Try to maintain the rhythm while inhaling and exhaling. Then change the finger to open the right nostril and close the left nostril with ring finger and small finger. Again inhale and exhale slowly through the left nostril. Repeat this for atleast 4-5 minutes. Practicing anuloma viloma regularly can stretch cartilage and ligaments promoting flexibility in whole body and thus benefitting arthritis also.

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  • Yoga is really help to your body, mentally and physically make you strong in your daily life. It's Natural treatment for any dissess in your body.

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