5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Pharyngitis


Pharyngitis is a condition caused due to inflammation of pharynx, which is located at the back of the throat. It can cause sore throat, scratchiness and difficulty in swallowing. Pharyngitis is often interchangeable with sore throat condition. A common cause for this condition may be viral infection, cold or flu.  It might resolve on its own with proper care at home or might require antibiotics to prevent further complications.

The symptoms are pain and scratchy sensation in throat, dry throat, pain and difficulty while swallowing, swelling in neck, swollen tonsils, muffled voice, fever, chills, headache, body pain, nausea, vomiting, cough and running nose. Pharyngitis may be caused due to viral or bacterial infection or allergies, pollution, GERD or any muscle strain. Herbs have been used traditionally to treat this condition.

5 Herbal Remedies For Pharyngitis


Sage has antibacterial effects and acts effectively against strep as well as staph. It is excellent for flu and cold and reduces respiratory secretions. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-spasmodic effects of the herb are quite helpful in reducing mucus in the respiratory passage and aids in preventing any secondary infection. 

It is a good astringent and much useful for wet infections. Taking sage tea or gargling with sage extracts can be effective in treating pharyngitis. Take some sage leaves and steep them in hot water for about 15 minutes. Strain the solution and drink it twice a day or use it for gargling as an alternate for saltwater gargle.


Licorice boosts the immunity by increasing the interferon levels in the body, which are responsible for fighting virus. Glycrrhizinic acid present in licorice interferes with the growth of bacteria in the body and stops its multiplication.  It soothes the respiratory passage and throat.

It reduces inflammation and reduces irritation. It enhances the healing process and has expectorant effect. It can be used for treating sore throat, cough, and chest infections.  Licorice acts similar to aspirin and aids in relieving fever and headaches.  It has anti-allergic effect and licorice tea can be used for treating such conditions.

Excellent Home Remedies for Pharyngitis
Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm has been used traditionally to treat sore throat. It can be used to treat upper respiratory tract infections and is a common ingredient in cough syrups. It encourages the secretion of mucus and keeps the health of nasal passage.

It also reduces the inflammation of throat, mouth and oesophagus. The herb protects the throat from infections and damages. Take some Slippery elm bark powder, steep it in hot water for 5 minutes, and drink this concoction 3 times a day to get rid of sore throat.


The herb is used to cure many ailments including cold and sore throat. Menthol is one of the active components present in peppermint. It has soothing effect on sore throat. Peppermint has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. It is an effective decongestant. It clears up the air passage and eases breathing difficulties. The herb has astringent and anaesthetic properties as well.

It can treat cold, chills, nausea, digestive disorders, pain, headache and emotional imbalance. It relieves anxiety and stress. Simply brew a tea using peppermint leaves using hot water and drink it 3 times daily to cure sore throat. You can also apply peppermint oil externally on the chest and throat areas to get relief. Inhaling peppermint tea vapours may also help.

Marshmallow Roots

Marshmallows have been used from hundreds of years to treat sore throat. It contains mucus that coats the throat and helps you get relief from irritation in the throat. It soothes the mucus membranes and brings relief in both hot and wet conditions. The roots contain polysaccharides and antibacterial properties.

The antitussive effects of the herb relieve cough and irritation in throat and its anti-inflammatory properties are effective in treating sore throat as well. The flavanoids help in preventing further damage and quickens the healing process. Marshmallow can be taken as tincture or capsules or you can brew tea using the powdered dry roots to cure pharyngitis.

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