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15 Effective Home Remedies For Kidney Stones


The organic and mineral salt deposits on the inside layer of the kidneys are referred to as kidney stones. Usually, kidney filters these salt deposits, which are emptied through urine. A natural substance present in urine dissolves these mineral salts and prevents them into becoming calculi or solids. Sometimes, these salts are not dissolved due to dehydration and crystallization occurs.

The kidney stones mainly comprise of a compound known as calcium oxalate. If they are small in size, it will pass through the urinary tract unnoticed, but they might cause severe pain upon exiting. Men are 4 times more likely to suffer from kidney stones than women.

The kidney stones that are in the body could cause various complications including ureter blockage and severe pain. It might also obstruct the path of the urine. If you have already gone through a bout of kidney stones or consider yourself as a likely candidate for developing this condition then you must beat all the odds with the help of the home remedies mentioned below.

15 Home Remedies to Treat Kidney Stones


Boil 2 figs in water (1 cup) and drink this concoction every day in the morning on an empty stomach for a month.

Basil Leaves

Mix juice of holy basil leaves (1 tsp) with honey (1 tsp) and have this each morning for about 5 to 6 months.

Lady’s Finger

Take about three slightly raw lady’s fingers. Cut the vegetable into thin long strips and soak these pieces in about two liters of water all night. In the morning, squeeze and extract the juice of the lady’s fingers in the same water. Consume the entire extract in a span of 1 or 2 hours.

Water Melon

Watermelon is quite good for kidney stones. It has high water content as compared to other type of fruits. Also, it is a rich source of potassium salts. You can either eat it as a fruit else take it in the form of juice.

Rice Bran (Inositol Nicotinate)

Inositol nicotinate, derived from rice bran is an effective cure for black or brown kidney stones. The dosage must not exceed the recommended amount, as excess intake of this substance will result in palpitations, dizziness, flushing and itching.


Kidney stones comprise of calcium, so logically speaking less calcium must be consumed to lower the peril of kidney stones. However, the opposite holds good, especially in men. It is noted that a low-calcium diet doubles the risk. Hence, it is advisable to drink milk. By taking calcium supplements, women can reduce the possibility of kidney stones.

Fruit Juice

Except for lemon and watermelon juice, all other kinds of juice must be avoided. A study conducted by the ‘Harvard School of Public Health’ has revealed that drinking apple juice (1 cup) daily will actually increase the risk by almost 75 percent and drinking one cup of grapefruit or orange juice will increase the risk by 85 percent.

Cranberry extract is found to increase the risk, whereas the unsweetened juice will in fact reduce the threat. The negative outcome of the fruit juice is quite worse when they are the only fluid taken during a meal.


It is not advisable to avoid veggies. Oxalic acid is present in kidney stones, so it seems logical to avoid eating vegetables and fruits that contain this substance. However, the kidney stone sufferer need not really avoid them.

Spinach, tea, strawberries, bran, beet greens, almonds contain very little amounts of oxalic acid and hence do not have any significant effect. The Swiss chard and vitamin K present in spinach will help in the absorption of calcium by the bones and thus calcium is not excreted out in the urine.

Consume Less Fish and Meat

It is noticed that the diet of the people with kidney stones is usually rich in proteins and are mostly derived from animal source. The protein is responsible for the increased rate of formation of calcium in the body. This will eventually build up uric-acid stones. Hence, it is important to reduce the intake of high protein foods such as sardines, sweetbread, red meat, wine, shrimp, mussels, mackerel, herring and fish roe.

Also Read

Natural Cure For Kidney Stones
The 8 Amazing Home Remedies For Kidney Stones
Diet Tips For Kidney Stones
Best Herbal Remedies For Kidney Stone

Reduce the Ingestion of Vitamin C

When the amount of vitamin C exceeds more than 3000 mg in a day, it can lead to the development of uric-acid stones. The body converts excess vitamin C into oxalate, which can lead to the increase of kidney stones.

Thus, it is important to keep a watch on the intake of vitamin C in the daily diet. However, remember that it is also a vital vitamin required by the body, so don’t reduce the intake totally.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

A mixture of lemon juice and olive oil is another effective cure for kidney stones. Mix together same amount of lemon juice and olive oil (about 2 oz.) and drink it immediately.

Follow it by drinking water. This remedy will significantly reduce the pain and also alleviate kidney stone formation.


Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses) in a day. Scientific evidence proves that the beneficial aspects of water will kick in at around 5 glasses per day. However, if you are diagnosed with kidney stones then it is always helpful to drink water as much as you can. Water will help in flushing out the toxins present in the body. Besides water, you can also take non-alcoholic beverages and caffeine-free drinks.

Kidney Beans

This is an effective remedy used in treating kidney stones. Boil the pods of kidney beans in water without the seeds for a long time over a reduced flame. The concoction thus obtained is strained and consumed at regular intervals.


The seeds of sweet as well as sour pomegranates are useful in treating kidney stones. A fine paste of these seeds must be taken along with horse gram soup (1 cup). This is very effective in dissolving the gravel in the kidneys.

Other Remedies

One cup of radish leaf juice taken twice a day is also effective in treating kidney stones. Drink a glass of fresh juice of tomato early in the morning. You can also add a touch of pepper and salt to it. Drinking tender coconut water regularly will help in eliminating kidney stones.

Besides following these remedies, it is also important to cut down on the consumption of salty foods, pickled foods, table salt such as snack chips, processed cheese, meat etc.

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