Effective Natural Cures For Dry And Damaged Hair

Dry and Damaged HairWe all love to flaunt our beautiful, lustrous and voluminous tresses with great confidence as they add an extra charm to our personality. Dust, pollution, sunlight, lack of nutrition, stress and such other factors make hair prone to damage that eventually results in dry and damaged hair. Hence, proper hair care is vital to keep hair healthy and strong. However, there are lots of options available in the markets such as hair care products, spa treatments, salons and medical treatments as well for hair care.

But, sometimes they carry their own adverse effects with positive effects and cause harm to the hair. Hence, it becomes risky to trust upon such options whereas natural curesare safe way to cure hair problems effectivelyHere we have listed some best natural cures for dry and damaged hair that can help you in treating problem of hair damage and dryness naturally.

Natural Cures For Dry And Damaged Hair

Egg With Yoghurt And Almond Oil

Egg contains beneficial proteins that help in repairing and moisturizing dry and damaged hair whereas yoghurt provides strength and luster to the hair. Almond oil is enriched with vitamin E that helps in restoring lost moisture of hair and provides internal strength and volume nourishing them deeply.

Almond Oil

 Take 2 eggs and beat them well, mix 2 tsp. almond oil and 1/2 cup yoghurt in it to make a fine creamy paste. Apply it all over the hair and scalp and leave for an hour. Then wash your hair with lukewarm water. It will provide nourishment to your dry and damaged hair as well as repair them. Repeat it once a week to get significant results.

Deep Conditioning

Hair becomes dry, dull and lifeless due to lack of required moisture. Hence, deep conditioning is highly recommended to lock moisture in hair as it restores lost moisture of tresses naturally. Take 1/2 cup of soyabean oil and break one vitamin E capsule in it and mix well.

Deep Conditioning

Apply it on your scalp followed by hot towel treatment and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then shampoo your hair. Repeat this remedy fortnightly. It will condition and nourish your hair deeply and prevent dryness.

Massage Your Scalp With Fingertips

Scalp massage improves blood flow in the scalp that helps in promoting hair growth and health as well. Simply massage your scalp with the help of your fingertips after detangling your hair.

Scalp With Fingertips

It not only stimulates the hair follicles but also maintains regular blood circulation to the scalp. It is one of the easiest and inexpensive natural cures that make your hair healthy providing internal strength.

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Best Herbal Remedies For Hair

Apply Herbal Hair Mask

One of the best ways to take care of dry and damaged hair is applying hair mask on your tresses as it makes hair soft and silky with luster. Take 2 tsp. castor oil, 2 tsp. amla powder, 2 tsp. shikakai powder, 2 tsp. reetha powder, 2 tsp. grinded fenugreek seeds, 2 tsp. neem powder and 2 eggs.

Herbal Hair Mask

Mix all these items in a bowl well to prepare paste. Apply this paste on your hair and scalp as well and leave for 30-45 minutes. Then wash your tresses with mild shampoo. Repeat this hair mask fortnightly or once a week (as required). It will make your tresses lustrous, healthy and strong.

Dietary Changes

Our diet also play vital role in keeping hair strong and healthy as it provides required nutrition to them internally. Thus, it is necessary to keep an eye on diet to treat dry and damaged hair.


 Add fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and dairy products to your regular diet. Take vitamin C, E, zinc, biotin, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids rich diet to ensure proper nourishment that is inevitable for dry and damaged hair.

Detoxify Your Body With Water

It is necessary to detoxify your body to keep hair healthy and strong that is why you should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to keep your body hydrated. Water helps in retaining natural moisture of hair that protects them from dryness. It also helps in removing harmful toxins out of your body as well as provides protection to hair from early damage.

Avoid Washing Hair With Hot Water

It is vital to ensure proper cleansing of hair before applying any other treatment. Try to avoid using hot water for washing your hair as it makes them weak and prone to damage stealing natural oils from them that lead to lack of moisture in tresses.

Washing Hair

Always use normal water for cleaning of your hair. You can use chick pea flour (besan) or multani mitti for cleansing of your tresses. Never wash your hair rubbing them harshly as it leads to hair breakage.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.