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Living with an overactive bladder is like living in the toilet your entire life. It tampers with your daily schedules and you will be left with a constant fear that prevents you from moving out freely. Though it is a challenging task, there are many natural ways by which you can treat an overactive bladder and lead a normal life. Here are some wonderful remedies.
Treatments For Overactive Bladder
Kegel Exercises
Bladder control can be attained through the practice of some simple exercises that help in strengthening the pelvic muscles and gaining control over incontinence and an overactive bladder. It is important to identify the right muscles before you do this exercise.
To identify the pelvic muscles, stop urinating midway next time you visit the toilet. The muscles that you use for stopping urination are the muscles that you have to strengthen with kegel exercises. Start doing the exercise by contracting these muscles and holding them to a count of 15-20. Continue doing this as frequently as possible, attaining a minimum of ten sets a day.
Schedule Your Urination Time
Though under normal circumstances, we do not keep track of when or how many times we make a visit to the toilet for urination, for people with an overactive bladder, this is of utmost importance. Bathroom breaks must be so planned so that you can leave a gap of 3 to 4 hours before you visit the bathroom every time. This will help you improve your bladder control. It is also helpful if you keep the visits to the bathroom during the same time every day.
Empty The Bladder Completely
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Most of us are in a perpetual state of hurry that we do not have time to even check if we have emptied our bladder completely with every visit. This is one reason for an overactive bladder as the bladder space is considerably reduced as a result of the residual urine that is present in the bladder.
Therefore, when you visit the bathroom every time, ensure that you have urinated completely before you finish. Slightly ease your pelvic muscles and exert some pressure downwards to check if the urine has been completely emptied. With frequent practice, you will automatically learn to empty your bladder completely and prevent overactive bladder.
Behavioural Training
This involves training your pelvic muscles in such a way that when you feel the need to urinate, you must extend your waiting time a little more every day so that you can control the urge more effectively with each passing day. The training should be slow and you can extend your wait time until it reaches a convenient gap of three to four hours between every visit.
Fluid Intake
Though it might seem like a contradictory statement, drinking enough water is essential for regulating your bladder control. It is also important to take a look at the kind of beverages that you consume. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol etc. are diuretics which increases the urine flow and lead to an overactive bladder. Hence, the consumption of these liquids must be limited to a minimum.
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Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.