Categories: Fitness

Effects Of Stress On Your Heart


In today’s fast-paced world, stress has turned out to be an unavoidable woe that takes a major toll on both your mental as well as physical health.

Excessive stress has been linked to a number of heath issues which includes obesity, diabetes as well cardiovascular ailments. Unless controlled in the right manner, stress can have a detrimental impact on the body which can seriously jeopardize your heath condition.

One of the most common side-effect of stress is increased blood pressure coupled with an elevated heart rate level. If you remain stressed out on a frequent basis, the symptoms of heart diseases becomes much more pronounced which eventually triggers severe cardiovascular ailments. Read on to get an idea about some of the common effects of stress on your heart.

Effects Of Stress On Your Heart

Stress And Heart Ailments

Multiple scientific researches have ascertained that stress and heart diseases share a common link and excessive anxiety poses a significant threat to the heart’s condition.

Many researchers also claim that the tendency to exercise less, eat more, smoke and drink escalates when you are going through stress. In the long run, these unhealthy lifestyle choices are known to play a key role in developing cardiovascular ailments.

Elevated Blood Pressure And Heart Rate

Whenever you feel stressed out, as a defense mechanism, the body releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline which might put an additional pressure on the body. Cortisol is a hormone that is associated with weight gain, known to be one of the triggering factors in developing heart ailments.

Under the influence of stress, the blood pressure and heart rate considerably goes up while chest pain and uneven heart beats are a common problem. Stress sparks off a physiological response in the body which signals the system to stay in high alert. As a result, unless stress is alleviated, the blood pressure and heart rate remains at a constantly elevated level.

Increased Cholesterol Levels

When your system is under stress, extensive amount of energy is required by the body to deal with the impacts of anxiety. In a bid to fulfill the requirement of energy, fatty acids get released in the bloodstream.

Over a prolonged period of time, the fatty acids which fail to get broken down remain in the blood, accentuating the cholesterol level of the body. Moreover, the release of cortisol facilitates fat storage especially in the abdominal region. Heath experts emphasize that people who have excess fat in the abdominal run a greater risk of developing cardiovascular ailments.


Given the fact that in today’s hectic world, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives, taking steps to alleviate stress is of paramount importance. Striking the right balance between home and work as well as looking for ways to relax the mind and body is greatly beneficial in fighting off the ill-effects of stress.

Develop a positive attitude towards life and take time off to indulge in any activity such as singing, reading or painting, whichever gives you much satisfaction. In addition to this, it is also important that you maintain a proper diet to fulfill your body’s nutritional needs while also including mild exercises in your daily schedule.

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