Essential Oil Treatment For Head Lice


Head lice are the most common problem a child faces. It is wise to treat this problem as soon as you notice it because they can easily spread from one person to another. Itching and scratching is caused whenever a lice bites because of the reaction to its saliva. It is important for every parent to know how to prevent or treat head lice as it can occur anytime.

Having head lice does not mean you are not clean. It can be effectively treated using certain essential oils. Discussed below are a few essential oils, which have worked well in the treatment of head lice.

Various Essential Oils For The Treatment of Head Lice

Tea Tree Oil

Take some tree tea oil and sprinkle it on your hair and scalp. Lice hate the odor of this oil. Let this remain in your hair for an entire night giving enough time for some eggs or little ones to be killed. Make sure you use a towel to sleep on as you might stain the pillow case.

In the morning apply some more of this oil and comb it normally. You can use a tea tree conditioner to get good results. Add tea tree oil to your shampoo and conditioners. Every time you wash your hair with this, your hair is treated for this problem.

Lavender Oil

Massage lavender oil thoroughly into the scalp and hair and let it remain for about two hours. After that, shampoo the hair and rinse. Now, apply a conditioner. Take a nit comb and comb the hair removing as many of them as possible. Then rinse the hair again and dry it. It is not possible to completely get rid of lice with one application.

You must repeat this process every alternate day for about a week or ten days. This will help solve the problem. Even after completely removing the lice and nits, it’s important to keep an eye every now and then to check for lice or unhatched nits.

How To Get Rid Of Head Lice
How To Prevent Head Lice
Home Remedies For Head Lice

Olive Oil

Olive oil is known for its remedial qualities in the treatment of various issues and head lice treatment is no exception. Olive oil suffocates lice and hence helps in killing them. You need to choose the cheapest olive oil for this treatment. Place a towel or cloth around the kid’s shoulder and apply the olive oil generously on the hair and scalp. Tie the hair all together and cover the entire head with a shower cap made of plastic.

Then take a towel and wrap it around the head as tightly as possible. Let this remain like that throughout the night. In the morning, remove the towel and the shower cap. Comb the kid’s hair with a nit comb and remove all of them. Once this is done, gently shampoo the hair. Repeat this treatment for several days to completely eradicate the lice. Olive oil only helps in suffocating the lice, but to remove the unhatched nits repeated applications are necessary.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil in combination with olive oil is very effective in the treatment of lice. This blend kills lice. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair and leave it for about half an hour. Then comb the hair to get rid of the lice that are dead. You can do this over the sink as a lot of lice will try to escape this mixture of peppermint oil and olive oil.

5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Lice
Natural Cures To Get Rid Of Lice
How To Treat Lice

Eucalyptus Oil

From ancient days, eucalyptus oil has been used to treat head lice. The lice and the eggs die because of the eucalyptus vapors. Take 3 ml of eucalyptus oil, mix it with 30 ml of shampoo, and apply it on the head. Cover the hair with a shower cap and leave it for ten minutes.

After that remove and wash your hair and dry it with a towel. The hair needs to be combed with a nit comb after this to get rid of the eggs. Keep repeating this process until you completely remove the lice and eggs.

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