Categories: Vitamins Remedy

Essential Vitamins For Damaged Skin


Skin damages of varying degree are common in every person, which is considered as normal, unlike aged the skin damage problems in adults and children may be due to many reasons. The main reason among them may be by high exposure to sunlight or vitamins and minerals deficiency.

Exposure to sunlight may cause both positive and negative effect. Without sunlight one cannot have Vitamin D in the body, so proper usage and absorption of calcium will not be possible. But too much sun damages skin and develop chances of skin cancers. There are many vitamins required by our body for repairing our damaged cells. Some of them are listed below:

Vitamins For Damaged Skin

Vitamin E

It has number of benefits for the skin. All the creams and lotions contain this vitamin, and they can be taken as a supplement too. Skin that has been damaged by sun exposure will be repaired considerably by this vitamin. Vitamin E is beneficial and has a curing effect against lines, wrinkles and blemishes on skin.


Skin cancers pose a risk to every individual with perpetual skin ailments such as basal cell carcinoma, which are commonly seen. Some of the food sources that contain Vitamin E are avocados, herring,almonds, spinach, apricots and cereals.

Vitamin K

It is beneficial in the sense that it helps in reducing under-eye puffiness, dark circles on the skin. These skin issues are due to an excess of blood in the capillaries under the skin. This vitamin is known to absorb the excess blood clotting in these areas, creating a smooth skin. Spinach, cabbage, plums, onions and celery are some of the healthiest sources of vitamin K.

Vitamin C

It helps in skin repair and reduces the risk of damage to the skin. It serves as a protection against the free radicals in the body, which will otherwise damage collagen and elastin produced by our bodies, hence keeps the skin tight and avoids loosening.


Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen and helps preventing environmental damages to skin from air pollution and sun exposure. Many creams available in the market are rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits, and leafy vegetables are common sources for obtaining the vitamin.

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Vitamin B

It is available in different forms, out of which B5 and biotin are helpful for skin repair. Vitamin B5 reduces the risk of appearance of dark blemishes, wrinkles and fine lines. It even helps in lightening the skin tone and enhances moisture. Biotin also helps your skin keep its moisture and prevents dry skin and itchiness. Most creams and lotions designed to help skin repair will have some B vitamins in them. The commonly available sources of Vitamin B are bananas, potatoes, lentils, turkey.

Vitamin A

It is known for as it protects the health of our eyes providing good vision; hence it is essential for skin repair and protection. The vitamin is known to provide nutrition to the protective tissues of our skin by controlling melanin levels and decreases the production of sebum.


This is best because an excessive production of sebum in our skin can cause acne. This is also an antioxidant, like vitamin E, also helps prevent skin cancers. Eggs, oranges, tomatoes, milk chicken,are excellent sources of vitamin A. Daily supplement of this vitamin can be included in the diet. Resorting to face creams that contain vitamin A can be a useful alternative for daily use.

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