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16 Excellent Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Foot Edema


Foot edema can be characterized as the swelling of foot resulted by the excessive accumulation of fluids in the tissues. Foot edema can be observed at the time of pregnancy which is regarded as one of the main causes for the problem of same.

Foot edema can be noticed in some women at the period of menstruation. Swelling of foot is commonly seen among the older people and thus aging is a cause for the problem of the same. In case of foot injuries, swelling and tenderness can be noticed. There are quite a lot of home cures in the case of foot edema. Some of the excellent cures for the foot edema is mentioned below which can be followed when needed.

Home Remedies For Foot Edema

1. Cucumber is known to be useful in absorbing the excess fluid from our body. Keeping a few slices of fresh cucumber over the swollen foot for about ten minutes can be beneficial in decreasing the puffiness of foot. This is one of the efficient home cures in the case of foot edema.

2. Cold compresses are found to be helpful in reducing the inflammation of foot. Soaking the swollen foot in cold water for about 15 minutes can be beneficial in curing the problem of foot edema. Keeping your foot in a stream of cold water can also be regarded as important in the treatment for foot edema.

3. The problem of foot edema can be cured by using coriander seeds which is regarded as one of the significant home remedies for the same. Boil 100 grams of coriander seeds in about 2 liter of water for 10 minutes. Soaking the affected foot in this infusion can also be helpful in reducing the puffiness.

4. Soaking your feet in lukewarm water for about 10 minutes can be considered as one of the simplest remedies in the case of edema on the foot. For the better results of the cure, you can add a little of salt to the warm water. Warm compresses are also found to be valuable in reducing the tenderness and pain.

5. Apple cider vinegar is proved to be important in healing the puffiness as well as pain caused due to edema on feet. Applying a little of apple cider vinegar over the swollen foot and massaging for about 5 minutes can be helpful in healing the problem rapidly. This is one of the home cures in the case of foot edema.

6. Mustard oil is also valuable in the treatment for edema on feet. Heat a small quantity of mustard oil and apply it over the swollen foot using a cotton ball. Massage the foot for about 5 minutes using your fingers. This can be regarded as one of the trouble-free home cures in the case of foot edema.

7. Aromatherapy oils like lavender oil, peppermint oil, rosemary etc. can be rubbed over the swollen foot and then can be massaged for few minutes. This is found to be beneficial in reducing the pain as well as tenderness of the foot. Lemon oil and almond oil are also valuable in the treatment for the same.

8. Cabbage leaves are proved to be handy in absorbing the excess fluid from our body. Thus placing few cabbage leaves over the swollen foot and covering the foot using a cotton cloth can be helpful in reducing the tenderness and pain caused due to the foot edema. Potato slices can also be kept over the foot instead of cabbage leaves, as it can also help in curing the problem rapidly.

9. Corncob hairs are proved to be useful in healing the problem of foot edema. An excellent infusion can be prepared by boiling a small quantity of corncob hairs in a cup of water. Taking this solution once in every day can be helpful in reducing the swellings as well as the pain due to foot edema.

10. Vitamin E is found to be essential in reducing the swellings due to excess fluid concentration in the tissues. Vitamin E rich food items can be added to the daily diet of the patient in order to meet the requirement. Olives, spinach, sweet potatoes, almonds, peanut etc. are some of the food items rich in Vitamin E.

11. Massaging the affected foot using sandalwood oil for about 5 minutes on a daily basis can be useful in curing the problem of edema on foot. Massaging your foot about three to four times a day can be helpful in reducing the tenderness.

12. Lemon juice is proved to be advantageous in the treatment for foot edema. Freshly extracted juice of one whole lemon can be dissolved in a cup of hot water. Drinking this juice once in a day can be beneficial in reducing the tenderness and pain due to edema. Lemon is proved to be valuable in absorbing fluids from our body.

13. Salty and spicy foodstuffs should be totally avoided from the daily diets of the affected patient. Salt may increase the fluid retention in the body due to its osmotic properties. The affected person should also try to avoid consuming canned and sealed food items, as these are found to contain salt in high level.

14. Garlic is proved to be useful in absorbing the excess of fluid and hence helps in healing the problem of foot edema. Eating one or two raw garlic cloves can be regarded as one of the valuable method to reduce the tenderness and pain due to foot edema.

15. A powerful tonic can be prepared at home to cure the problem of foot edema. About 500 ml of water can be boiled along with a teaspoon of sugar. About 12 grams of fennel seeds can also be added to the boiling water. This decoction can be used once in every day as a part of the treatment. This is one of the commonly used remedy for the problem of foot edema.

16. Doing regular exercises can be helpful in preventing the problem of foot edema. Walking and swimming are the important and useful exercises that can be done regularly to keep away the problems like foot edema.

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