Food That Cure Yeast Infection

Yeast InfectionYeast infection is a widely prevalent problem affecting a significant section of the population including both men and women. However, anti-fungal creams or medications are not the only measures to be adopted.  Yeast infection can be easily treated through natural dieting remedies.

By adopting a good diet plan or routine, the problem of yeast infection can be curbed to a great extent. Following a proper diet has always been attributed to have a significant role in treating yeast infection. When affected by yeast infection one should take great caution regarding their diet, as it can positively help in reducing the problem.

Various Food That Cure Yeast Infection

Eating Garlic

Garlic is considered as one of the most effective remedies for curing yeast infection. As a natural antibiotic, garlic tends to inhibit bacterial growth in the intestinal tract and the genital areas. Having garlic clove with water has proven to be very effective for the prevention of yeast infection.


The antibiotic properties of garlic facilitates the killing of bacteria such as Candida which is held responsible for causing this infection, at the same time leaving the good bacteria alive which are necessary for the healthy functioning of the skin.

Consuming Plain Yogurt

Consuming plain yogurt on a daily basis can be helpful in reducing yeast infection. Yogurt is a wonderful source of bacteria needed for muscle health. At the same time, these bacteria fight off the Candida bacteria resulting in the improvement of infection in a short period of time.


However, one has to be very careful regarding the choice of the yogurt, as sweetened yogurt can generate a negative result. Since sugar feeds yeast, consumption of the yogurt has to be done with great care.

Eating Fruits And Vegetables Containing Vitamin C

Including certain fruits and vegetables in the daily diet can also yield effective results. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. The fruits and vegetables considered rich in Vitamin C can reduce any inflammation which might be caused by the infection.

Fruits And Vegetables

Vitamin C inhibits the Candida bacteria in the intestines by providing an acidic environment. Vitamin C generally includes citrus fruits and vegetables like berries, orange, cranberry, leafy green vegetables, winter squash and others.

Eating Cool And Soft Food

While suffering from oral thrush, which is a yeast infection of the mouth, one can always ease the pain through the consumption of cold food items like unsweetened gelatin and ice chips.

The coolness of these food items eases the pain caused in the mouth due to the yeast infection, at the same time helping to prevent it. Along with the cold food, one can also consume liquid like fruit juice which can provide quick relief from the pain. They are also easy to consume without causing much discomfort.

Eating Fish

Along with fruits and vegetables, adding fish to the diet can also reduce the problem of yeast infection to a great extent. Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which has proved to be extremely effective in reducing inflammation caused by this infection.

Eating Fish

There are a wide variety of fishes that have proven effective in reducing the infection, some of which include salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, lake trout and herring. The intake of fish at least twice a week has been recommended in order to avail better results.

By paying attention to diet and carefully planning it, the problem of yeast infection can be easily tackled. Through the consumption of certain basic food items the condition of yeast infection can be reduced to a great extent.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.